Category Archives: Success

The effects of hanging around the wealthy

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What I learned is that hanging around great programmers will help me to think about technical issues more clearly, even if the programmer doesn’t utter a word. Being around his consciousness does wonders. Being around great musicians as a child helped me appreciate great music and understand it. But, as a businessman, I realize that I need to be around what I call “high-speed wealth accumulators” to soak in their magical energies.

I learned that hanging around the neighborhoods where these moguls live is an amazing experience. Imagine the feeling I had of looking over some rolling hills with mansions. I felt like I was in another world, far away from home, but I was only a few miles from my home in Los Angeles! The wealth that these people have is unbelievable, but that is only the tip of the iceberg.

There are areas with 2 million dollar homes. The inhabitants of these homes probably have equities of around 2 million per person. But, what about those who are in 8 million dollar homes? I believe that they have more like 40 million in equity on average, and move billions around at the tips of their fingertips. I came up with the poetic realization that this neighborhood was like a control panel for the world’s economy. Perhaps 5% of the wealthiest people on the planet lived within yelling distance of where I was driving. This was Wall Street’s bedroom in a sense. Of course, Wall Street is 3000 miles away in New York, but a lot of the people who control it, as well as those who control the movie industry and God knows how many other industries probably live in the Hills North of Los Angeles and Beverly Hills.

Part of the allure of this area is the fact that being around this type of wealth really stimulates my business. We make more sales when I spend time in fantastically wealthy areas. But, also to tune into the consiousness of the wealthy. These are those who dress like the wealthy, and those who really are wealthy — or better yet — who are high speed wealth accumulators. We need to understand the categories of humans who are found in wealthy areas. There are the workers, the shoppers, those passing through, those who want to dress like the wealthy even though they are not wealthy, those who are wealthy who are in low gear — not doing much with their life, and last — those who are reeling it in — those who are making things happen and making money hand over fist.

I saw many casual people having dinner with their families who dressed like very ordinary people — but, they were millionaires. I saw others who were very impatient drivers. There were many I met hiking who were just very casual relaxed people. I went to one of the most expensive hotels in the state, and saw businessmen of the highest caliber. Their demeanor was much different from the impatient drivers or the casual diners. These businessmen were wearing very elegant suits suited for a very high class banker or attorney. There was a sense of calmness. It is like seeing an animal in their natural habitat — they just fit in perfectly! There was no sense of entitlement, no pompousness, no greed, and no hurry. It was just these upper class men in fancy suits just having a Scotch on the rocks!

For me, I’m trying to learn the secret behind these gentlemen in the banker suits, and I’m not finding it. That is because these seasoned opulent types were born into money, and just find it to be very natural. It is natural to spend $500 a night on a hotel — that is what their family has always done. It is normal to spend $35 on a glass of Scotch, why wouldn’t you? They are not trying to be more than what they are — they just are. The secret to understanding the old-rich is that they just are — and that they just have been, and presumably will continue to be! They are important because they are they. Everyone knows they are important, so they don’t have to advertise how important they are. Their behavior is completely different from the new rich who are always trying to be something and be someone! These very wealthy types seem to not show any outward signs of having any skills in business.

The irony is that our suited friends are probably are on the boards of America’s Fortune 500 companies, and control the entire nation! Yet, when they talk to each other, it is about their last golf game, the weather, and other inconsequential topics. Although subtlety is not a business secret — they exude tremendous subtlety. The people who have all the answers appear to have no secrets at all — I guess that is the secret!

I’m going to succeed because I’m crazy enough to think I can?

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I read these words on the empowerment network. These words are actually very deeply philosophical despite how simplistic they sound. Most of us do not succeed because we think that we can not. The neighborhood we grow up in has most of the positive and negative attributes that will haunt us for the rest of our lives. If you grow up in a rich area, you assume that you will be rich like your daddy, right? If you grow up in a slum, you assume that as an adult that you will remain there. Sure, we dream of winning the lottery, and many work their way out of poverty. When I turned 23 and graduated from school, I realized that I would be lucky to make a quarter of what my father had made because my skills were not in demand and because I was not valued.

We all have inner blockages within our mind that prevent us from doing many things. So, maybe the topic of this blog entry should be on overcoming those blockages.

I am overweight and have been for years. But, I love nature and love hiking. I go to Yosemite national park in California regularly. It is a long drive, but my passion drives me to go there. I love to hike up the mist trail to Vernal Falls. I feel very winded and exhausted every time I go up that high. Sometimes it is dangerous going down those steps so exhausted because I lose my balance much more easily when tired. My goal had always been to make it to the next waterfall — Nevada Falls. But, I couldn’t picture myself getting that far. So, after several attempts at this monsterous trail, I made it 20 minutes farther than Vernal Falls. The thing which we should note here is that my attempt that got me 20 minutes farther created a new possibility in my mind. The new thought is “I can”. I did not have that thought before that point in time. So, the very next time I went up the mist trail, I made it all the way to the viewpoint for Nevada Falls. I made it! Now, I understand subconsciously that I really can do it, and that consciousness opens up doors to possibilities.

In business most people think that they cannot start a business. Most of them are right because they don’t have the skills. But, many people who do have the skills also think this way. They might need to brush up on marketing and management, but many of these people COULD start a business if they took it seriously. People who do have a business have serious limitations in what they think is possible, or what they are comfortable with. The limitation starts with a thought, or a type of consciousness that you have where the type of success you could achieve doesn’t exist.

So, how do you break this type of limited consciousness. I don’t call it negative consciousness — just limited. You have to try new things. If you want to expand in a particular direction, but going that direction, your consciousness will adapt to include that direction in its set of possible things that you can do. Once you achieve a small success, your consciousness will record that in the consciousness database, and a bigger success will look a lot more possible — just like me reaching the viewpoint of Nevada Falls was not initially possible, and then became thinkable and possible. It was a few months after I thought it was possible that it actually happened.

My parting comment is that I always joke about there being a Starbucks up on the Nevada Falls mountain trail. I always say, “Isn’t there a Starbucks in another 20 minutes or so?”. In real life there are no businesses up there, and only a bathroom building near one of the bridges two miles up. Maybe my goal should be to bring soft drinks up that mountain and sell canned starbucks and coca-cola up there so that my joke comes true. Unfortunately that would be illegal — and I would be responsible for the trash created as well.

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Why can’t you just press a button and become rich?

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Who says you can’t?
Wouldn’t it be a whole lot easier if they could just put a label on that one magic button?

I struggle daily to figure out how to run my business more efficiently, and I am always coming up with new ways to refine my techniques. But, I remember one day back in March of 2003. For some reason, my website just took off after three years of it being very slow. I can’t figure out why it all happened so fast. Business is like that. I wrote another blog article long time ago about the Chinese bamboo tree analogy. You water it daily for several years and nothing happens, and then all of a sudden it grows ten feet in one day.

The thing you need to remember about business, is that most of your day will consist of busy-work. As you grow, the next step in business is to find more refined, efficient, and effective ways of doing that busy work. Next, you find others who will do it for you and you manage them. But, in your course of daily activities, there will be some small changes that you make to the way you do things — or perhaps a few major changes. You will make a change, just like all the other changes you made, but that change will be the magic button that makes you rich.

You will press a lot of other buttons, but those ones are not the magic one(s). The problem is that the magic button isn’t properly labeled. But, there is good news. There are smaller magic buttons that can do less powerful magic in your business. I just discovered a new technique for using Google+ that gets me double the followers with the same amount of effort. That is a sort of small magic button. It took me three months to figure it out, but then — voila! I discovered another magic button for managing one of my directories. I was removing low quality listings, but found that I didn’t have enough listings. I was removing them, and then calling the service provider, and adding them back on. Now, I lowered my standards for what listings I would keep and eliminated a lot of the “duplicated” work. I just made my life a little simpler.

See if there are some smaller magic buttons in your life in addition to looking for the big one. Meditate on finding what that big button might be. If you don’t look for it you won’t find it because it is hidden amongst thousands of other buttons.

Wealth consciousness and why it is essential

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There was a wise man who lived in Hardwar in India.

The wise man himself did not have money simply because he didn’t desire it. He had all he needed. He had a cave to meditate in, and a cloth to wrap around himself — he was happy.

One day, a pauper came to visit this wise man. The pauper said that he was so poor, yet desired to be wealthy. He asked what he must do to become wealthy. The wise yogi retorted that he must develop wealth consciousness to attain wealth, and without this consciousness, no real lasting wealth could ever be attained.

The pauper gave the yogi a strange look and said, “I don’t have time for this consciousness nonsense. I am poor and need to find a way to solve my problem of how I lack money”. The wise yogi told the pauper that even his method of describing his problem of poverty clearly displayed the problem of the consciousness. The yogi explained that when you subconsiously feel that you lack money — you will attract more lack of money. When you have a thought — the thought attracts a particular type of reality.

The pauper just looked at the wise man and said, “What does having a thought have to do with reality?”. The wise man said that thoughts have everything to do with reality. Without thoughts, there would be no reality. God had a thought of a beautiful planet, and it manifested itself over time: no thought — no reality– no planet — simple! When you lift your arm up, the movement can not start before your mind has the thought of the movement. All actions begin with starts. When an engine’s piston moves, it all starts with a spark of a spark plug — and the spark is very similar karmically to the thought that commences an action.

The pauper, looked skeptically once again at this long haired simple meditative yogi and said, “So, you mean, that if I think that I will have money, then I will have money?” The yogi said that it was not quite so simple as that. The yogi explained that through the pauper’s entire lifespan of 32 years, he had thought about poverty the whole time. Imagine how many thoughts of lack that gentleman could have had in 32 years — perhaps millions of impovrished thoughts. To turn the poverty around, it might take a million opposing thoughts — thoughts of wealth.

The question is — how do you develop the wealth consciousness?

I will address this in other blog entries!

Wealth consciousness and HOW to develop this step by step

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Many spiritualists belive that to gain wealth, you need wealth consiousness. Yes, there is more to it than that, but the consiousness is a very important component. Many people who are wealthy came from well to do neighborhoods. The fact that they went to good schools and had smart parents really helps. But, what also helps which people don’t understand, is that the fact that they grew up around wealth instills a feeling of wealth consciousness in them.

My comfortable childhood
I remember that as a child, I grew up in a very comfortable environment. Everybody had a nice house, enough to eat, and there were trees and other nice aspects of the environment all around. I thought that this was how the world was, and that this was what I would always have. Unfortunately, after I finished college, I was not able to make much of a living and had to live in a much poorer circumstance. However, I still had the wealth consciousness of the upper-middle class in me; and that consciousness is what kept me motivated to get back to what I was used to.

Regaining my standard of living.
After many years of hard work, I attained a standard of living that was similar to what I had as a child. Of course, now I live in an urban area, and as a child I lived in the suburbs. There are differences. However, I aspire for more. The problem, is that I have the wealth consciousness of an upper-middle class person. I am used to affluence, but not oppulence. I am not used to being around people who have millions!!

Get used to a type of environment
The key here is to GET USED to whatever consciousness you want to develop. If you want to have the consciousness of a great musician, then listen to great music all the time and be around great musicians. If you want the consiousness of a great wine expert, then hang around great wine, and around great wine experts. If you want the consiousness of a wealthy person — then hang around master business people, read their books, and be in places that they would be.

Thinking about having a bigger venture
My business has been nice for years. But, it never grew. I always am trying to make it bigger and better, but for years it was stagnant. Part of the problem was the economy. I kept getting smarter and better, while the economy kept getting worse — these two factors averaged out to stagnant growth! That was not a bad result considering that most others in my industry were ruined! Now, things are growing, but my thoughts are slow to grow. I need to picture my business having ten times as much going on, and many more people working for me. I need to picture assistants for everything, and a completely different work environment. If you can picture it — that is the first step in the battle. Getting used to doing more types of things is another part. I need to picture running 10 sites, and 10 blogs and having most of the work done by others. I have to picture training these people and managing these people, and finding a place to do it all in. Can you picture your business growing? How do you see your company’s growth unfolding?

Being around the right consciousness
One technique I found which makes no sense to anyone except myself and a few people I know is feng-shui. I have written many blog articles about feng shui. BEING around wealthy people who are actively moving wealth around is excellent feng-shui. If you go to a neighborhood where millionaires live, and these millionaires are doing large deals regularly — then you will benefit from being around their energy. A neighborhood of retired millionaires will not do very much good as the money is stagnant. You need movement and the consciousness of the movement.