Tag Archives: office

Your customers can feel if your workplace is unhealthy

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There are many reasons why a workplace could be “unhealthy.” An unhealthy workplace have too many people cramped in a small space. There might not be enough windows. The windows in offices generally don’t open which is why I don’t work in that type of environment. You might have argumentative people, or mean bosses. There could be office politics, overly long work days or other things to create an unhealthy environment.

Customers pick up on your office environment.
Customers enjoy working with pleasant businesses who get the job done with a smile. Most companies out there do not do their work correctly, have managers running around like chickens with their heads cut off, and workers who are either incompetent or don’t care — or both. Add stress and vindictive office relationships to the mix, and you’ve got a really unhealthy office environment.

Your Vision
The solution to this problem all starts with a vision. There have been cool companies in America that had a cool vision. Cliffbar has upbeat staff creating healthy food products. Starbucks created a pleasant environment with happy staff that the public can’t stay away from. Google creates workplaces that are customized for innovative collaboration. But, most other companies just don’t even start to think about optimizing their environment. Do you want to create a wonderful work environment, or do you prefer to take the easy way out and keep things the same? Maybe it’s easier if you can’t stand your environment, but are forced to stay and work in it. Then, you would have to change it or risk going insane.

Solutions to an unhealthy work place
Changing around the office space or getting a new office that is more appealing might be a good start. Aspiring to create a company culture of upbeat people would help a lot. Getting rid of sour employees who ruin everyone else’s day could be a life saver. Hiring a few people with bubbly personalities might add joy to the other people’s lives even if the bubbly folks were not good workers themselves. Having plants in your office might create some oxygen and lower stress. But, what about animals? I have seen offices in Hollywood allow people to bring their dogs and cats to work. It was a little unusual, but since their dogs were quiet, it worked out.

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Compilation of posts about offices

Making your workplace feel like home

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Do workers work better or worse if they feel they are at home? I personally work better, but others might get lazy. Some people do nothing productive at home, while others thrive in this environment. It might be best to study the productivity habits of all of your workers and customize their environment to suit them ideally. If one works better with trees, put them out in a forest. If another works best in a cubicle, then do the obvious. If another works better at home, but you need them at the office, then continue reading this blog…

Making your office like home
There are coffee houses and bars that strive to feel like someone’s living room. These types of business put effort into their ambiance otherwise they will have an empty house. But, how many offices do the same? Imagine how much easier it would be to attract nice workers if you created an environment they actually liked being in! If you have windows that look like home, dogs, cats, and pets in the office, shelves filled with books, and other home-type stuff, people might feel more like home. You might add a sofa and coffee table just in case people want to do some collaborative thinking. But, would people collaborate, or just socialize and waste time? That is for your analytics department (which you probably don’t have) to find out. In the mean time while you ponder having an analytics department, do the analytics yourself!

Happy workers
Whether or not a homey environment is good for productivity, it seems obvious to me that most workers would prefer to be in that type of environment, and your attrition rate would go down. Worker satisfaction would most likely go up. There are many factors to think about when choosing an environment and short term productivity is only one of them!

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Compilation of posts about offices

Wouldn’t it be nice to have your office in the Himalayas?

Creating a workplace where people actually want to work

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Have you ever walked into someone’s office and just felt like sitting down and staring into space? Then, there are the hectic offices which are so crazy you just want to get out of there as fast as possible. Then there are “open-offices” with no privacy where desks are all in one big room which is the new trend. There are other offices where everyone chats with each other all day instead of working which might be termed “people-friendly but work-unfriendly” spaces. Google likes to create office spaces where people bump into each other all over the place including halls, restrooms, lunch, billiard tables, and more to stimulate interactive innovative processes which makes sense in their industry. But, what is the ideal type of office for your type of industry?

The BPO industry
Most of the people reading our blog are in industries that have large office spaces for back office tasks and phone work. I have visited such offices and will say that there are too many cubicles, too many people crammed into small spaces, too much noise, and too many people mulling around which is distracting. In short, call center and BPO offices are designed to be stressful, distracting, and cramped — at least in India where I have traveled. So, what is the solution?

Stress is the number 1 killer of BPO workers. They deal with uptight complaining customers, deal with tough programming tasks that relentlessly go wrong, unreasonable managers, and too many hours. To top this off, they have to work in a very distracting and stressful office space. They have a layer of stress from the work on top of another layer of stress from the customers, with a third layer of stress from management with a final layer of stress from the type of office they are in. My philosophy is to combat stress with the opposite of stress.

If you have a stressful job, do it in an un-stressful environment.
I realize that this is not always possible, but I often take my work out of the office. I work at home in my room. It suits me well as there is almost no noise, no other people, and no distractions. I work well during the day and even better at night. I rarely answer my phone as that will take me off course in my work. But, I found that working from the beach is the best place to make stressful calls. The beach relaxes me. I work in my car near the beach on a cliff actually. But, the atmosphere from being near the water calms me down which counteracts the stress of dealing with dumb customers who can’t answer a question unless you ask the same question four times to each of one hundred people on a list. Dealing with the same type of stupidity over and over and over makes me impatient and mean. So, choosing an ideal environment really helps.

But, what about your office layout?
You can’t put your office next to the beach unless you are really lucky. But, you could arrange trips to the beach from time to time to do work, or build a mini-office near the beach, or even use someone’s home near the beach to do calls. Another solution is to have an office where workspaces are more private. You could have rooms instead of cubicles and not have more than one person on a phone in any particular room which would cut down on distracting chaotic noise. I realize it would be more expensive to create such rooms and would be less space efficient. However, for senior employees, this would be a great way to reward them for their loyalty and provide a pleasant environment which might entice them to stay at the company longer.

Creating spaces with views or trees?
If you are in a cramped city, this might not be possible. But, what if you can have an office in a more remote spot? I would take advantage of nature and integrate trees, water, and gardens into your office theme. Imagine having office suites where each room has windows overlooking beautiful natural scenes. You could have a Japanese Zen Garden with Bonzai trees out one window, and a forest outside the other. You might design a small waterfall to be 30 feet North of your boss’s window for good feng-shui and grass to be next to someone else’s window. Having windows that actually open is much more healthy than breathing recirculated air. Perhaps we should all be like Google and have customized offices based on our industry’s individual needs.

Retreat offices in the mountains and shores
I think it is a great idea to get away from the office from time to time and work in a completely different environment. This won’t work for those of us who have children. But, for singles, it is wonderful. I work so much better when I can get away to the mountains, beach or desert. Not all remote environments work for me, but some work miracles and make me feel recharged. I can actually get 50% more done in the ideal remote environment just because the energies stimulate me!

What is right for you?
Most managers are very closed minded about what is right. They want to do the same old thing and make excuses about why change is too difficult or won’t work in their unique or not so unique situation. I think the world will learn that companies with Google type consciousness that involves innovation, customization, and optimization of environments (and everything else) to be companies that get ahead while companies that are closed minded have limitations for their growth. A good worker experience will decrease attrition, increase engagement, and revolutionize productivity! It is worth a try at least as a pilot operation. Let me know how it goes!

Office Prices and Outsourcing

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Office Prices and the Outsourcing Industry

India’s main problem with outsourcing is that the rents are getting so high, that Indian outsourcing companies must raise their rate for outsourced work to be able to cover their costs. Looking at a list of global office occupancy costs worldwide from scribd.com, I can share some of this information with you.

PSF – costs in dollars per square foot for office space in 2010.
Numbers have been rounded to the nearest dollar

Hong Kong 161
London 130 (West End)
Tokyo 101
London 62 (Docklands)
Mumbai 60
Delhi 59
Singapore 59
New York 42 (Midtown)
Los Angeles 39
Madrid 37

The irony is that in places like New York where incomes are roughly five times what they are in Mumbai for similar work, the price is 43% higher in Mumbai for office space. In the long run, America has many advantages that lead to national economic stability. We have endless land, and fast roads and airports that connect every single corner of the country conveniently to each other part of the country. There very few strikes effecting transportation, and political stability is something we take for granted. India has none of these advantages. It will take India 40 years of hard work to catch up to Western countries in terms of infrastructure.

One aspect that doesn’t show up in the above quoted statistics is that the data is for certain neighborhoods where offices are generally located. There are other parts of the above metros further away from the downtown that have less expensive prices. For example, in Delhi, it is $59 psp in the business district, but I’m looking at an ad in Noida where 1500 sf of office / factory space are being offered for rps35,000 / month which translates into less than one dollar per square foot per month. So, prices can vary tremendously within the same metro area depending on conditions.

High office prices have run many call center outsourcing businesses out of Bangalore, Mumbai, and Chennai, leading them to outskirts of Delhi, Assam and other areas where land is plentiful. Mumbai is on a peninsula, making land a scarce commodity, especially with the lack of skyscrapers which help to conserve land. Bangalore is surrounded by hills and mountains making growth difficult. Chennai is bordered by an ocean on one side making expansion possible only to the West. But Delhi has land around it and remote parts of India still have cheap land to expand to. So the future of Indian outsourcing work seems to keep migrating further and further away to where the cheap land and labor is. In another few decades, much of the outsourcing work will be redirected out of India entirely, perhaps to Africa, Bangladesh, and other areas.