Tribal people on Facebook

Sally and Jeff had dreamed of visiting the remote islands of Indonesia. Finally, their dream came true. But, the dream turned into a nightmare as the ship they were on sank, and they had to swim to the nearest island which was not that near. They almost died trying to make it to that island and when they got there, it was not inhabited. Sally and Jeff were suburban American types. They didn’t know how to make rafts or survive on an island. To stay alive they had to learn how to shake coconuts from trees and create shelter from the rain which got out of hand. They stayed on that island for ten years as they didn’t want to risk death and as nobody came to rescue them. But, then they grew restless and wanted to escape their fate. They didn’t want to die alone on this island.

So, they put together a basic raft. They agreed that perhaps they would live and perhaps they would die, but who cares. Their life was so boring anyway. After paddling for a few days, their water and food was almost all used up. They became weak and just lay around all day. During their sleep a tribal group paddling type of a canoe found them. The communication between the tribal people and our American friends was not so graceful as Jeff was not fluent in “Ooga-Booga.”

The tribal people took them to shore, and gave them food and shelter. Sally and Jeff thanked them and made head nodding gestures to show their sincerity. After Sally and Jeff recuperated, it was time for a feast and then for show and tell in Ooga-Booga-nese as usual.

SALLY: Thanks so much for a lovely feast. (rubbing her belly)

TRIBAL GUY: You look… Facu-booga.

SALLY: I have never heard of Facu-booga

Now, keep in mind that Sally and Jeff have been out of circulation for so many years, they have no idea what an i-phone is or what Facebook is. The only Zuckerberg they know is a nice accountant back home.

TRIBAL GUY: Look…. i-phonoo

SALLY: Hmmm (looking inquisitively) I have never seen a device like this. I wonder what it does? She touched a button and there was a sudden flash. Sally jolted back in surprize. The tribal guys all laughed. Then Sally squinted, and sniffed this strange device. Finally one of the tribal guys took a selfie and showed Sally the photo on the screen. Sally said, “wow” and was very impressed.

TRIBAL GUY: You likoo…

JEFF: I’m sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Then, the tribal guy put his finger in the air as if to say “wait!” Another tribal guy showed up. The other tribal people were all wearing tribal looking outfits, and were 80% naked. But, this new guy was dressed in an oxford shirt and had a short haircut. Could it be that he went to school in a nearby Anglo town wherever this place was? They were actually in a tribal part of Papua New Guinea and in fact there was a nearby Anglo town.

YOUNG TRIBAL GUY: Hello mates. What my mates were trying to ask you was if you could like them on Facebook?

JEFF: Sure, but what is Facebook?

YOUNG TRIBAL GUY: You’ve never heard of Facebook? Where have you been for the last ten years?

JEFF: We’ve been stuck on a tropical island with no electricity and with coconuts and fish as our only source of nourishment.

YOUNG TRIBAL GUY: Oh, no wonder mate. Well, I can get you set up on Facebook right away, and we’ll have some Ozzie food liike shrimps on the barbee. Does that appeal to your Sheila?

JEFF: I think of her as more of a Sally than a Sheila, but yes, that sounds great. I would love to eat shrimp and start a Facebook account now that I know I’m not going to die soon.

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