Maintaining your calm in a busy world

We all live in a busy world, but can you maintain your peace, your calm, or your mindfulness? Buddhists spend their life cultivating the meditative quality of mindfulness. This is not a bad quality to have in the workplace. As a manager, you have to deal with dozens of challenging situations per day. You have to step back, and try to not be too emotional, while you sort out problems step by step.

For me, the answer is obvious. If I can’t get away, then I can’t get my mind out of its rut. If you are always in the same environment, you tend to think of the same thoughts. Your mind becomes like a broken record player always repeating the same messages over and over. We are all like this, but each different person has their own broken record. Travel can get you into a new circumstance where you naturally think differently and come back refreshed.

But, what can you do if you can’t travel. You can still use yoga techniques to alter the patterns of your thoughts. Or, you can visit a peaceful park, and smell the flowers, see ducks swimming on a pond, and watch the grass grow for a while. After this calming activity which takes your mind away from your problems, you can go back to your problems, and you might see that you can more easily find effective solutions. Letting the mind rest and rejuvinate makes you more efficient. After the rest, the mind can solve problems much more quickly, and without the emotional baggage that you normally add to business decisions.

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