An international country that accepts all

The World Today
I wrote a few other articles about how great it would be if America copied China in having free economic zones. However, an even better idea came to me. In an age that went from corporate bankruptcies to bank bailouts to national bankruptcies like Greece and Portugal, we need a solution. If companies, organizations or countries aren’t responsible enough to manage their finances, why create artificial mechanisms to keep them afloat. In the animal kingdom it is survival of the fittest — why not in the financial world?

An International Zone
If a business is broke, they can sell off their assets if they have any. Why should it be any different if a country is broke. They have land, why not sell part of it. But, who would the buyers be? The only two countries that are in the black are China and Korea. Should they buy up the world for pennies on the dollar? America and Japan are both up to their necks in debt with Germany and the other Northern European countries going in the same direction as their debt is manageable now, but keeps going up and up. In fifteen years Germany will be near default too — just you wait.

Sell an Island
I feel that if an international government was set up, they could have land, citizens, and an army. They could have dual citizens which would enable you to be a citizen of your home country and also of the international zone. Or, perhaps you wouldn’t need citizenship to be in the zone as they would accept everyone. This would be a wonderful boon for the stranded Syrians as an international zone could provide humanitarian relief and host companies who would give jobs to people as well.

Conflict Resolution
In addition to the other salient features of an international zone, leaderless countries like Libya, Syria, Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan would be better off under the wing of a larger and more powerful organization. In the old days they were colonies. I personally feel that colonization is exploitation. However, we didn’t see mass extermination under the British or Portuguese colonial powers. They helped countries build railways, roads, industries and stay organized — what is the crime in that?

Assets and Cultural Management?
Would an international zone gain assets by contributions from all the countries in the world which would have to pay a yearly tax? Or would they derive power from their citizens or residents? Would they have permanent citizens or a floating population of residents — whomever felt like being that at a particular time? How would they decide which language or languages would be official? How would the decide on cultures? Or would they have different zones where different cultures are practiced? Personally, in this world we live in where so many people are living outside of their countries of ancestry or origin, it would be easier if you could go to a foreign country and have the choice of living in a cultural zone from your part of the world. If you went to Dubai as an American, wouldn’t it be easier to have an officially designated American zone where English is spoken and liquor is allowed? Sure, many Americans wouldn’t mind living in what I call a “Halal zone,” but many prefer the comforts of home. What if America had small international zones sprinkled throughout the nation where Korean, Chinese, and Swahili might be official languages in certain sub-zones. The world would become a collection of microcosms and that would be interesting.

Military Power
Who would finance the military of the international zone? Once again, would they collect a tax from all the countries in the world? Would they be the global police man instead of the United States? What a relief that would be. Would the international zone invade Iran to prevent them from developing nuclear weapons, or would they demand that all nations give up such dangerous weapons? What about corporations? Would corporations be powerful in an international zone? Personally, I feel that many corporations as so powerful, they should control their own countries. Exxon should have their own country where their oil fields are — that way their military can protect their assets directly which is much easier than what is going on now.

In any case, it seems inevitable that in the future the world will become more united. Europe can never get their collaboration worked out, but at least they are trying. America has free trade with Canada and Mexico which is a start. China is collaborating all around the world for resources and economic development. We’ll see what develops. But, when an international zone does become a reality, remember that it was MY IDEA!!! I thought of it first. I should get the credit — unless it doesn’t work out well in which case — forget about it!

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