Today was the best day of my life!

We all have good days, but today was the best day of my life in many ways.

I had a migration that I had tried to do since January of 2013. Every programmer I put on this task failed miserably. One couldn’t connect with the server and couldn’t function communicating with the server company. The next one cheated me and never finished the job leaving me with a huge and unreasonable bill. I had other programmers offer to help me, but they all left me high and dry. One programmer charged me a deposit and then didn’t finish what he was working on. Finally, I found a programmer I liked, but he was really busy. He finished the migration, but he was on the project for five months. My old server was getting slower and slower, and I am relieved that nothing horrible happened to it otherwise my data might have been compromised in some type of small way. Since I had multiple backups, we only would have lost a few weeks of data, but to me that is very serious. In any case, I am relieved that the task that haunted me is finally done.

To celebrate, I went to a very elite Chinese restaurant in Beverly Hills and ordered some duck dumplings, basil sea bass, and quail. I wanted to get things that were different and boy were these different. It was a fun experience, and perhaps I’ll go back to Hakkasan!

Then, I had a massage which was very relaxing. The masseuse asked if I had smoked any marijuana since I was so happy. I said, no, but I was happy because two of my three largest recent problems had been solved! We had had a huge noise disturbance in my building with someone who played techno music 24 hours a day. I heard the bass and the boom boom boom of the beat softly in the distance and couldn’t sleep properly. What a nuisance. I had to talk to security seven times to get them to solve this problem. Why can’t they just fix things the first time around?

Sometimes I feel that all of the problems I have experienced in life are to prepare me for some future existence managing difficult people. Maybe I will die and be reborn into a business family and need to understand how to deal with complicated situations.

Last, I had a fun writing session with my writer and we created five new blog entries which are funny and entertaining with useful business tips integrated into the comedy as well.

So, today was a good day. I wish I could have more wonderful days. But, to have a great day, you have to have many troublesome days that are solved in that good day. I guess you can’t have the bad without the good. In any case, I want to take a nap and enjoy my relief! I’ll talk about my third unresolved problem later!

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