123outsource has been online for about eight years now. We slowly added to the site and slowly refined it. We are continuing to do quality control by removing defunct listings and interacting with all companies listed to feel them out to see who sounds better. We will additionally be interviewing the workers at some of the call centers and hiring a few on test projects to see how cooperative and good they are.
The BPO and Call Center pages on 123outsource.net are doing much better than the other categories and also receive more attention from those who spend advertising money with us. As a result, we have increased our budget for what we pay on Google Adwords to attract more visits from the United States in those respective categories.
As time goes on we will continue to gain sophistication in our methods for refining our search results and increase our advertising budget so we can dominate search for call centers throughout the world. Wish us luck and feel free to advertise on 123outsource.net!