5 popular call center benchmarks

f you want to hire a call center, give them a quiz over the phone and see how well they know their benchmarks or benchmarks of quality standards. If they say, “huh?” maybe you have found the wrong call center.

Service Level
How many percentage of calls were answered within a particular time frame? If 80% of calls were answered within 20 seconds, that is very impressive. But, how many can achieve that?

Average Speed to Answer
Many of your callers might be on hold for a while in a queue. How long does it take for your average call to get answered?

Abandonment Rate
How many of your calls hang up before an agent answers?

Call Duration
How long was the call. If your agents talk too long with your clients, you might be popular, but won’t be able to handle many calls in a day.

First Call Resolution
If an agent can handle 90% of calls and resolve them singlehandedly , that is fantastic. Other agents need to transfer calls and get others involved. The value of a call center agent lies in their ability to resolve issues.

I’m not sure if this is on the list. But, there are certain factors in the call center business that cannot be measure with stats. If someone has a pleasant voice, comes to work regularly, doesn’t quit after severa months, and is nice to the clients, that is actually more important than any of the more statistical metrics associated with the call center industry!

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