Tag Archives: Antiquated Verbiage

Do you start emails with: “Dear respected sir?”

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Don’t do this!

People in India use archaic British English. They routinely omit the person’s name who they are addressing as they systematically don’t know who they are writing to or why. Don’t do this. If you write to someone, know why you are writing to them — specifically. Don’t write to them about “the job” or “the project.” Know which project or job you are writing about and make sure that job actually exists in real time (which means now.) I get 10 job applications for jobs that I am not offering every day. What a clueless waste of time. No wonder India is a 3rd world country. The labor that they do have is systematically either completely wasted or used ineffectively.

Do your research, and make quality interactions — not spamming people with nonsense job applications. And don’t say, “Dear Sir.” Use the person’s name or at least their job title so the reader will know if they are the one being addressed!