Tag Archives: Are you too busy for your clients?

Ignoring your clients as a business strategy

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There once was a businessman.
Well, actually more than one businessman.
To be frank, more like 99% of businessmen meet this description.

Clients and prospective clients tried to reach him but never could.

Eventually those clients became frustrated because they couldn’t interact with him enough to get their projects moving forward. So, those clients tried to move on to other firms, but the same thing happened. The boss was too busy to talk to them. Some of the other bosses hired salespeople and customer service reps who were good enough to handle those clients. Some hired incompetent fools to answer their phones which just upset their clients and prospects.

But, our businessman who we refered to in sentence #1 had nobody help him answer the phone. He just ignored his clients. He thought they were a nuisance.

One day, his clients started leaving and sought greener pastures — they found other companies who would answer their questions without having to harrass them five or ten times just to answer a single question.

His clients left one by one.

One day he woke up in the morning and realized that he had no clients.

This businessman said to himself, “My life is so much more peaceful without these pesky clients. But, honestly, how do I get my pestulent landlord to go away. Now, HE is bothering me! All he talks about is money money money — where is the money — GET a life man!”

According to Indian spiritual philosophy. If you want someone to go away. Just IGNORE them like you would ignore an uninvited guest, and eventually they will go away. We use this philosophy while meditating. If unwanted thoughts come into our mind, we ignore them until they go away. The same is true for clients!