Tag Archives: Blog Traffic

Choosing the right people to help you blog

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You can’t just go to eLance and pick people to help you blog. There is a lot in the equation. Blogging is actually very complicated if you want to be successful at it. There are many metrics and analytics to consider. The value of a good blog post is based on how many readers it gets, and how many more regular readers you develop. To turn a one time or two time visitor into a regular reader of your blog might be based on more than one really good article. It might be based on consistently good articles which appeal to the reader. However, if you have a few really good articles or a few really unattractive ones, that might make the difference between having a regular reader — or not! Another factor is SEO benefit of the blog post. Some blog posts attract a lot of traffic from Google, while other ones might be popular with your regular readers, but wouldn’t show up well on search results.

Freelance bloggers do not generally care about the long term success of your blog, nor do they care about the “analytics.” That is your problem. They just want to collect their fee and pay their bills. As a manager of hired hands, you need to know who is worth it and who is not. Freelance bloggers typically want to charge an enormous amount for each piece they write. Unfortunately, the monetary benefit they create for you might be far less than their fee. To get a blog popular, you need more than 1000 pieces. If you pay $100 per piece, you will have paid $100,000 just to get your blog regular traffic which might help your site be a little more popular. Hardly worth even $5000. It is easy to lose all your money hiring the wrong people at the wrong price. You need to understand what makes your blog tick, and find people who can do it for a price that is sustainable.

Have someone write a few pieces. See how much traffic each piece gets after ten days. Measure again after sixty days. See if it gets many clicks from Facebook or Twitter. You can use that figure to compare to articles written by you or others on staff. Also, have your new writer submit several pieces over a two-week period. See if your general blog traffic goes up in a noticeable way in that period or right after that period. That will indicate if your exciting newbie got you some new “regulars” to come to your blog. If your experiment delivers positive results, you could test them over a month or two and keep your eyes on the growth. Remember, that some weeks your blog might have a good week. But, if your new writer is any good, then every week will be a good week.

When to write blogs quickly and when to take 3 hours / entry

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I used to write my blogs very quickly. I have no particular background in writing, other than the fact that I write many emails, and have written a few how-to books for my clients who appreciate my knowledge, but don’t care for my spelling mistakes! You can’t please everyone. But, in the last few years, I discovered the joy of blogging. It is very fulfilling to me as well as being a huge marketing plus for my various web sites. I estimate that 40% of my main site’s traffic is a result of the SEO benefits of blogging! Huge!!!

In any case, I started working with professional writers recently.
I found that there is a huge difference between occupational bloggers and professional writers. The level of writing is much higher if you get someone with an academic background, or someone who is/was a professional screen writer for television. I started doing what I call collaborative blogging with two writers. I pride myself on my ability to write 2-6 interesting blog articles per hour. That is very fast! But, when I work with the professionals, it takes two people at least 45 minutes together to finish one piece. That is 1.5 man hours. There was one article which was very long about a date between a notary (me) and a girl. This took three hours of two people working together by phone. It was a huge hit, but boy what a lot of time.

So, which is better, writing quickly, or taking your time and making it perfect?
I learned that my quick and dirty style of writing had many spelling errors. I also learned that there was a lot of room for refinement of the ideas, restructuring, and bringing more juice out of each idea. I also learned that refinement takes forever! According to my blog stats, the quick blogs maintained my blog traffic, but there was not much growth. When I had one or two really thoughtful entries per week, we got better overall growth in our total blog repeat traffic. Interesting facts to know if you do analytics. I decided that doing a blend of fast blogs and slow blogs was the best way to populate the daily entries in a blog. But, there is one more thing that I learned.

5 minute blogs teach you which titles do well
I learned that it is not about quantity, or even quality when you do blogging. It is about matching the interests of your readers. If you write a quick piece about something that your readers really want to read, they will click on it, and even like it, even if it is not the best written article. If something quick is popular, you can do variations on a theme next time, and put more thought into them. That way, your future articles will be about topics that are tried and tested, and you can spend an hour or more with a professional refining them and making them a joy to read.

Blogging is lots of fun, but you need to have a keen understanding of the strategical aspects of how to allocate your precious time and the time of your hired help!

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