Tag Archives: Call Center Museum

Creating an online museum for your company

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I wrote about a sort of a show and tell idea in another blog entry. I was inspired after seeing how Ford Motor Company built its cars. Suddently, I thought that outsourcing companies could do the same on a smaller scale. They could show the inner mechanics of how things got done at their company.

The #1 reason why people don’t hire you is TRUST. Rather than having fast talking salespeople, brightly decorated websites, and great promotional materials, try to gain trust. The fastest way to evoke trust is to share knowledge — and customized knowledge that particular prospects want to hear. Telling people all about your company and having FAQ’s about your industry is great. The more information the better, especially if it is well organized and well written. But, what about an online presentation of what your company is really like?

Some people have slide shows, others have sales literature, a few even have a museum. If you had an online museum about how your company works, don’t you think that people would want to do business with you? It would be really cool, and fun, and draw people in. You might even attract people who are not even interested in your industry who think it is really nifty that you created such an intruiging production!

Imagine that you have a call center (call centre). Imagine that your museum starts with a huge photo of your call center and some text explaining that this is a museum of the XYZ call center in Gurgaon, India. Explain that you are a real call center that is accepting new clients today. You are not just a museum, but a real live functioning call center. Have an ENTER link on the page somewhere. Or have a web site with a smaller section that introduces the call center museum.

Show pictures of your staff doing what they do. Explain what you do for various clients and how you fulfill their orders. Have a slide show for explaining what you do in the new customer acquisition process step by step. Show how you train your people step by step. Explain the hiring and firing process, including surge hiring when you get a new large client on board. You could even show your employees carpooling to work in rick-shaws or cabs.

You could joke about how you require each employee to ingest exactly the right amount of pollution on Ganapati Blvd. East as a job requirement, and show them breathing in the air — fulfilling their job requirements to a tee.

Next, it is time for a break, so show your gruntled employees having their samosa break in the lunch room, or at their desks. Next, it is time for personal get-to-know-you sessions with your staff. Each selected member could have a one-minute introduction, and maybe a longer one with your CEO.

Then, have a summary about what the company does, and sum yourself up.
Good luck and have fun