Tag Archives: Outsourcing World

Is it better to have a large outsourcing house or a smart business?

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The concept of having a smart business is largely ignored in the outsourcing world. People focus on being able to do certain tasks such as data entry, .net programming, web design, accounting, inbound call center, etc. But, there doesn’t seem to be much emphasis on being smart about what you do. Maybe there is not much emphasis on intelligence because there isn’t much intelligence out there.

Consultants can make more than a boss of a company with 20 employees very easily. A boss of grunt workers operates on a thin margin, and spends most of his time hiring, firing, and rehiring more grunts who work for minimal wages with very inefficient output. A consultant on the other hand can make $200 or more per hour which can translate into more than half a million per year if they are fine tuned at what they do. To prove yourself as a consultant you need references and a very stable track record!

Many programming or outsourcing houses that have lots of employees could really benefit from having an outsourcing consultant come in and give them a tune-up. A few hours per week could help to identify serious flaws in the organization’s customer service, and work habits. Additionally, a consultant could train management on how to train workers in areas that they are lacking!