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Who is an Indian?

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Who is an Indian?
Over the centuries, there has been a lot of confusion as to who is an Indian.  India used to be a much larger country historically, and now it’s geography has been divided into several countries. Those who used to be Indian, are now Bengladeshi in many cases.  Additionally, Indians have been going overseas for centuries to all parts of the world.  Those who were born overseas are termed PIO (person of Indian origin) by the Indian government.  But, what if you jump across the border from Burma to India, do you become an Indian, especially if you have no paperwork?
The Americas
When Christopher Columbus “discovered” America, he thought he had found India, and called the locals Indians.  However, the local Native Americans were not wearing their finest Mysore silk saris, or crepe saris, nor were they wearing bhindis, so Chris was far off base here geographically and culturally.
Additionally, research and mythology has shown that people from India have been populating the Americas for up to 17,000 years.  A demon king from Sri Lanka in mythology moved to Brazil many thousands of years ago.  Is it a coincidence that many locals from Brazil and Mexico look identical to Gujarathis, Assamese, or South Indians? Genetic markers were found in Central American natives that traced their ancestry partially back to India, China, and to other ethnic stocks.   Some psychics feel that there was a huge continent called Lemuria that went from near Sri Lanka all the way into the Pacific.  Perhaps the Natives of South America lived on Lemuria at some time in the past.
The flag of Mexico looks almost identical to the flag of India.  Even the melodic routines of the music in Mexico and Guatemala closely resemble Indian music.  The word Gautama is Sanskrit for lord Buddha.  The words Guantanamo Bay, and Guatemala closely resemble this word.  Author Gene Matlock has researched the etomology of place names in Latin America and traced many of them back to India, Afghanistan and other places that were remove from Latin America.  He thinks that boats from India came regularly back and forth to the Americas until around 1300 when India was invated by Muslims.  Euro-centric historians conveniently omit any reference to any other culture having any involvement in the Americas other than those who crossed the land bridge from Siberia many thousands of years ago.
Many Indians live in Bhutan and have lost their property rights because they were not ethnic Bhutanese.  That doesn’t seem like a “spiritual” thing to do for a Buddhist country.  On the other hand, they don’t want to be inundated with illegal immigrants from India. My suggestion is that they should show compassion and tolerance and forget about who has Bhutanese blood!
Past Births
The Indian government’s term PIO is a great term. But, shouldn’t there be a term for those with Indian past births?  I am very tuned in to past life regression. I have had dozens done for myself and have witnessed the history of my soul.  It was fascinating.  Since I am so sensitive to this issue, I bump into white people who make it very obvious (at least obvious to me) that they have had many past births in India. The clues include personality traits, interests, and a nose ring. Leather chappals could be a good hint too!  What is really even more fascinating and hard to explain is that some of these individuals of Indian past births even have Indian physical features.  I know a full blooded white lady who has very Indian shaped eyes which is interesting.  She is very oriented towards Hindu culture. Many Westerners with past births in India will be likely to be vegetarian or to take up meditation of some sort.  As humans, most of us have had dozens of past births.  These births could have been focused in certain parts of the world, or spread out throughout many regions.  It is possible that someone could have had one hundred past births all in different countries, but most people have had clusters of births in particular cultural groups that they will feel close to in many lives to come.