A Call Center that offers technical support for defective cats

There are all sorts of specialties in the call center business. Some do hard sales, others do incoming service while many do technical support for the latest computers and software packages. But, who do you call when your cat becomes defective? 1-800-333-meao! This call center is located in Makati City in the Philippines and specializes in helping cat owners with their various problems.

CALLER: Hi, my cat is acting weird and I don’t know what do.

AGENT: Well, what did your cat say?

CALLER: She seems to be asking a question. She sniffed my computer and said Meao with a rising tone as if she was asking a question.

AGENT: Hmm, what did her tail do when she was asking you this question?

CALLER: It was curled at the end, kind of like a question mark.

AGENT: I see. It seems that your cat is confused based on the shape of her tail. Cats say a lot with their tail and their body language. Did you try explaining what the computer is for and why you were using it?

CALLER: Oh, I never thought of that. Maybe it was the new software I downloaded.

AGENT: That is interesting because our last caller’s cat warned him that he downloaded a virus and needed to quarantine it, but he was too dumb to understand what his cat was saying.

CALLER: Well, I hope you have an animal psychic who can communicate with cats like a “cat whisperer.”

AGENT: We actually do, but he can only communicate with Filipino cats. The culture is too different for cats in the United States. The food, activities, and the kitty cat mentality — you understand.

CALLER: I understand exactly.In any case, I’ll explain to fluffy what I’m doing. Thanks for being there!

AGENT: My pleasure. If you have any other issues with your cat, just call 800-333-meao!

CALLER: I will

CAT: Meao!!!

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