I spilled lemon tea on my keyboard

Three days ago was a day of accidents. I was making tea, but spilled the tea water on the floor in the kitchen. Then, I cut up lemon rinds to make lemon rind tea. This tea helps eliminate cancer cells. I’m not aware that I have any cancer cells, but I’d rather have less than more and lemons are the most natural cure. So, I brought back my tea to my computer desk. But, the tea was so hot, I couldn’t hold the cup. I foolishly put it next to my keyboard. Then, I had a premonition — a thought raced through my head. I thought the tea would spill, and then within half a second my hand involuntarily jerked and the tea spilled all over my Dell keyboard. I was so upset. I used so many paper towels to clean up the mess and had to turn the keyboard upside down to get the water out.

All I can say is thank God the tea had no sugar in it otherwise I’d be screwed. But, on a daily basis I drink canned Starbucks coffee in front of my computer. The coffee is cold, but has milk and sugar. In ten years, I never spilled a can. But, I always keep it right of the mouse, so it is actually far from the danger of the keyboard. It’s interesting to pay closer attention to your daily habits which you don’t even notice.

In any case, my keyboard was a bit sticky for two days. The zero key was the worst. But, miraculously it is all back to normal now — at least almost. I guess whatever was there dried up completely and my keyboard springs are back to normal.

The moral of the story is.
1. If God gives you lemons, make lemon rind tea
2. If your tea is too hot, dilute it a bit and then drink it.
3. Drink tea in the kitchen, not the computer room.
4. Be aware that astrology influences your life, and one particular days, you might experience lots of things spilling. It happened to me, and it can happen to you. On other days the stars have it so you’ll have a car accident. Wear your seatbelt on those days.

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