Should your blog include quizzes?

Want to really capture people’s attention? Most people write boring blogs and have third rate photos infused into their blog. But, having an interesting quiz takes the cake! I just was visiting Bill Gate’s site and he had a quiz about superpowers which was really more about gender equality. I think he tricked me.

But, after the gender questions, I learned about some energy related questions. 1.3 billion people don’t have electricity in the world. That was the one question I got right. I also learned that only 5% of energy production is from solar and wind. But, I digress…

Quizzes are a great way to boost engagement which is the most important analytic in social media. What good is followers if they aren’t involved with your account or visit much, click on anything or care? Just a quick note, it is not always possible to measure the total impact of engagement. An engaged follower who is always thinking about you, reading your materials, and clicking on things might not be so easy to completely measure. You can see when someone retweeted you, but do you know when someone is visiting your page every other day?

Perhaps new analytics will create lists of your followers in order of engagement with histories of each one — when they became more engaged with you, when they became more regular visiting your Twitter account, and how often they interact or share your tweets. Analytics are getting more sophisticated by the day, so these analytics might be available before you know it.

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