When you hit 28 & 56 years old, your maturity suddenly improves

What is so special about becoming 28? Age is just a number right? Wrong! Age is not just a number. I live with an astrologer (or used to because she just flew back to Vienna.) She told me that Saturn goes around once every 28 or so years. I looked up the exact orbit and it is more like 29.5 years. However, since the planet is so far away, you will be very influenced by its effect by the time you are 27 and until you are around 31 which is exactly what happened with me.

In any case, when your Saturn goes around once, you become a lot more mature. I remember being very childish about business, having silly ideas, and having none of the work habits to back up my ideas. When I got to 27 I started getting very serious. I began to understand that life is about hard work, struggles and disappointment. I decided that I would keep the pedal to the metal. When I was 26 I would work really hard for a while and then slow down. This strategy didn’t lead to any real success. So, I started working really hard, advertising more, being tougher, and taking risks to get ahead. Not all of my risks paid off, but a few paid of in a huge way. In a sense you could say that I became a man at around 27 or 28. I became much more responsible. Of course, every year that passes I become a little smarter, wiser and more responsible, but that was a huge milestone or planet-stone in my life.

But, astrologers claim that once you hit 56, big things happen in your life. Men in management often get promoted to very high executive positions as their wisdom and maturity peak at that age. On the other hand, between the ages of 84-90, if you are still alive, your Saturn will come around for the third time. I don’t know too many people who are working at that age besides Warren Buffet who invests and analyzes companies. But, gurus often live to that age. Imagine how wise they would be at that age if their minds still work.

Okinawa is an interesting part of the world. Their environment and lifestyle enabled many people to live to be 120 years old. I think that having Kentucky Fried Chicken and other fast foods come to their island shortened their life expectancy by a few decades. But, they might see Saturn come a fourth time.

In any case, astrology is not something that interests everyone. In India they tend to pay a lot more attention to it than we Westerners do though. But, pay some attention to the planets as they do have a huge effect on your life. Remember, the planets do not dictate your life, but they influence your luck, maturity, destiny and much more.

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