Not enough energy to achieve? Try this!

Having enough energy is tough these days. We have stress, pollution, and not enough sleep. How can we possibly amount to something in our businesses? In America, people eat burgers, fries, chicken, pork chops and other dishes. The standard American meal is 30% vegetables with perhaps a piece of fruit during the day. Indians think they are so healthy because they eat mostly vegetables. However, Indians are eating greasy potato dishes, lentils, rice, wheat in the forms of chapati, naans, etc. Indian staples are not healthy in such large quantities. So, what is missing?

I notice that for me to have energy to perform at night, I need enzymes, something India gets not enough of. I knew only one girl in India who ate salads regularly. She was Assamese and her father was a doctor. No wonder she was so healthy. Salad is good because it has raw vegetables. Vegetables have lots of minerals. But, when eaten raw they have prana or energy in them. Fresh fruit drinks also have energy. However, if the liquid sits around for more than three minutes, you lose most of the energy.

I drank juice from the juice bar at Whole Foods that made juice fresh for me. I felt good and felt better the next morning. But, when I had juice that had been sitting for six hours, I felt only 30% of the result. The answer is that humans need fresh energy. Most people have too much meat and starches, but not enough water rich foods like fruits and vegetables. Tony Robbins claims that you need to be eating 80% water rich foods and only 20% meats, fish, rice, bread, etc. That is hard for most of us to do, but if you do, you will have tremendous energy.

The rest of the solution is to keep fit, exercise regularly, or at least walk 90 minutes a day. Keep your weight at a healthy level, and breath fresh air.

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