Category Archives: Of Interest

Your home is not an investment

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Many middle-class people insist that their home is an investment, or perhaps their best investment. Indian ladies insist that their husband buy a house for security. The truth is that your home does not make payments to you every month, and might not even go up in value, making it not an investment.

To become financially stable, you need assets that produce revenue.
Stable stocks that pay dividends, investment properties that make systematic profits, and businesses are good investments. Of course your business requires your time and effort and does not guarantee exact income. But, supposedly you understand your business well, and that superior knowledge provides security to your investment that someone else who was a beginner wouldn’t have.

Your house goes up and down in value with the market.
If your neighborhood goes downhill, so does your house’s value. If your area becomes more affluent, so will your house value. Houses also need repairs. Your water heater, paint, roof, and other components of your house need to be fixed from time to time. In actuality, your house is a money drain. You will never become rich if you invest in a money drain. You need assets that produce income.

To preach to Hindustani ladies:
I’ll add that your life doesn’t become any more stable by your husband owning a house. If you put your life savings into a down payment on the house, and the house loses value, you just lost all of your equity. Where is your stability now? You would have been better off putting the money in a bank. Additionally, if your husband loses his job, you’ll have no way to continue the house payments. Stability is having superior work skills and having a certain amount of financial liquidity. If all of your funds are tied up in a hard to sell asset, you are actually in a lot of danger, and the myth of security might deceive you.

On the other hand, if you purchase a multi-unit building and rent out the other units, you might find that your cash flow is excellent. Sure, you might have to call the plumber a lot and deal with nitwits, but the cash will come in, and you’ll be happy assuming you pick decent tenants (and decent plumbers.)

An organized mind is a terrible thing to waste

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Do you have a friend who is a scatterbrain? Is he constantly rushing around trying to get things done in a disorganized way? The human mind has tens of thousands of disorganized thoughts floating around every day and those thoughts can wreak chaos on your productivity and stress levels.

A person who has regulated thoughts can actually get more work done, prioritize better, be more punctual about the things that matter, and get through the day smoothly. Trademarks of a mentally organized person are a clean desk, a clean house, neat personal appearance, level emotional behavior, and clear communication. Of course in real life, it might not be so clear cut identifying a mentally regulated person, but they are likely to have some of the traits I just mentioned.

So, what is the secret of getting more done every day and getting higher quality work done? Taking time off. Taking a long walk in nature every day refreshes the body and mind and delivers precious oxygen where it is needed. Meditating once or more per day also calms the mind. Other people prefer Hatha Yoga or deep breathing which is also excellent for the mind. Trying to do too much is like trying to drive your car without having an oil change or having a pit stop to refuel and check your tire pressure. Down-time is as important as up-time, but not everybody realizes this. It is also important to have hobbies. Mind-stimulating hobbies can sometimes be the best. I play “Go” or “Wei-qi” which is a Chinese game of strategy. Playing that game activates my mind in ways that my other daily activities do not. Reading a variety of materials or studying a foreign language can also activate different parts of your brain. There needs to be diversity in your daily regime — it cannot be all work and no play or you will become completely out of balance and not function efficiently.

The best business dream I ever had was about lions & giraffes

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We all love to dream.
Some of us dream while we are sleeping while others daydream at work during a boring assignment. But, my life got a whole lot more interesting when I learned to analyze my dreams. I have been seeing Walter for years now. He is a gifted psychic as well as a talented dream analyst. Not only did he teach me what my dreams meant, but he taught me some of the basics of dream analysis. I am nowhere near as good as he is, but I generally get about 40% as much interpretation out of my dreams as he does which is not bad — plus I’m getting better as time passes.

I dream about all types of things.
Once I dreamed that my wallet was in a stream. I picked it up and then there were some coins there. My income was sky height that month. I dreamt about co-workers and what was going on in their life. I dream about what I’m going through emotionally as well. Some of my dreams are about childhood while a few are about things that happened in past lives, or even a few years in the future like my trip to Dubai insh’allah! I have a 300 page journal filled with all of my dreams for the last ten years. It all started when I had a dream of a whale surfacing from the deep and my guru refused to interpret it for me. It turned out to be a dream about my spiritual group. But, my psychic explained all of the symbology to me until I got it.

Lions & Giraffes
Animals in dreams are fun as well as meaningful. Each animal could represent a part of you. On the other hand, the character of the animal is even more important than which type of animal it was. Was it angry, happy, or taking a nap after licking its paws? My favorite dream of all time was me walking in Africa. There were some large lions walking down the road straight towards me. I didn’t run out of the way. I walked straight towards them and bumped against them while walking by. That is such a macho New York type of behavior for people in high school by the way. Then, I saw a herd of baby giraffes who were cute. The real meaning of the dream had nothing to do with how beautiful and cute these giraffes were.

What did the dream mean?
The lions in the dream represented my robust side. I have gone from being timid to being angry to confident. Me walking straight towards those lions represented fearlessness — the best attribute a warrior can have — and business is just like war in many ways. The giraffes represented being able to see the future. Since giraffes have long necks they can see who is coming from far away. My giraffes were still babies, but they show that the ability to see the long-term is growing within me fast these days.

Pay attention to your dreams.
I don’t know what type of dreams you have, but if you write them down, they might be more interesting than you can possibly imagine. Dreams are information encrypted with universal symbols. The information in dreams is real, but might be past, future, or present and often doesn’t have a provable or definitive meaning. However, I feel that dream information is valuable. So, keep track of what you dream — you never know how important that information could be for you in the long run.

What if you had your aptitude tested in the 1700’s?

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Aptitude tests are important. They tell us what we are smart at and what needs improvement in our brain. However, they might not tell you what you are passionate about. If you are mediocre at something, but passionate about it, you might become amazing at it in time.

Aptitude tests in England in the 1700’s
Just out of curiosity, I went into a trance and went back to the 1700’s in England to see how aptitude tests were given. I saw an older gentleman in one of those triangular hats watching a few strapping young lads take a written examination. They were being sized up to see what type of career they would be good for. They were from a good class, well dressed, and their futures were bright. At the end of the hour long exam, the elderly man looked at his hour glass and said, “We’re out of time lads.” He looked at the score results from Tommy and said, “Tommy, you’re best suited to be a pirate!”

A boy was deemed best suited to be a pirate!
Tommy was so happy. “A pirate, that’s what I’ve always dreamed of being!” The old man said, “Hope you don’t mind having a wooden leg and tropical birds as friends.” “No trouble, I’ll be so drunk on rum I won’t even notice — I’ll get out my sword for some sword practice right away sir …. a pirate I shall be, a pirate I shall be — a pirate, a pirate, a pirate I shall be.”

In any case, the way aptitude tests were given back in the day stressed very basic scholastic skills. Most people did whatever their father did and were locked into a rigid caste system. These days, you can do whatever you are qualified to do. It’s harder since your father generally teaches you nothing if he is even ever there! But, the bottom line here is that if you are the reincarnation of that kid from the 1700’s, you might be destined to be a computer pirate! When they put a virus on your computer, it would be more interesting if they said, “Walk the plank!”

But, these sophisticated tests test how smart you are. What really counts is your commitment. Many who go to mediocre schools rise to the top because they stick with something year after year. It is harder for women to become CEO’s, but those who stick to the program at the same company for 20 years often rise to the top while the men go job hopping. So, forget about what you love, and do what you can commit to. Doing a job is like a marriage. You have to stick to it in sickness and in healthy. Your temporary love affair with a particular job might not last in the long-term.

Don’t do what you love
Do what you can commit to

Why your sitar & tabla lessons are the most important training for business

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We all want to succeed in business. Unfortunately, many people who aspire to create a startup lack the discipline or skills to be able to succeed. Many people want to have a huge success in a short period of time. They want to take a magic pill and have something miraculous happen in their business. In real life business success is built on a foundation. Without that foundation, your business will crumble. But, how can you build that foundation?

Bad English = Bad Work Skills
So many people email me using incorrect grammar saying, “Give me job.” Or they email me without knowing how to spell my name. How can you succeed in doing complicated outsourcing tasks when you can’t even spell English correctly? If you do data entry and there are formatting issues with the email you sent me, why would I believe you could do data entry? If you do programming, but there are syntax errors in your email you sent me, then there will be syntax errors in your programming too. To do well in business you need discipline, refinement, and skill. But, how can you develop these? Children of the upper-middle class typically take music lessons to develop exactly these types of skills which benefits them for the rest of their lives. Those who study music typically do well as doctors, attorneys, business people, and in other professions as well.

Sitar Lessons Teach Discipline
To learn to play the sitar or any other musical instrument requires years of arduous practice. Practicing requires extreme patience and can also be physically taxing. Beginners typically make their musical instrument sound horrible while Yo Yo Ma can make even the most inexpensive cello sound like a million bucks. Learning to play the sitar is a little like learning to grow a business. It takes two decades to become good at the sitar. It can take two decades to learn to become good at business. There are so many factors involved in being a good business person. There is management, marketing, human resources, finance, and more. If you are weak in any one of these aspects, you will lose everything. Basically, if you have the discipline to master the sitar, you’ll have the discipline and sensitivity to master anything.

Listening Skills
The study of any musical instrument including sitar or tabla requires listening. Listening involves paying attention. If you are not trained to pay attention, your business won’t do well. If you don’t return emails because you are lazy or not paying attention, you’ll lose prospective clients. I generally am the one to have to chase people down to get them to finish their work and return emails. It is ironic that people in industries who are begging for work won’t even return an email. If you have a musical background, you will realize right away when your call center agents are talking to loudly, softly, unclearly, or with the wrong tone. Your sitar lessons will make you more sensitive to subtle differences in tone which can help you in any business — except perhaps the concrete laying business or mafia related jobs. Additionally, in business you have to listen to what the client wants. If you only think about what you want, you’ll lose the client. Being sensitive and aware of your clients’ needs is one of the components to your ticket to success in business. Sensitivity can be learned through sitar or tabla lessons.

If you play music with others, timing is critical. If the pianist plays several notes, and the violinist is supposed to respond with a few other notes, the music will fall apart if the violinist is late. In business, I have programmers and call centers do tasks for me. The problem is that I have to bug them or I never hear from them. If they had a sitar playing background, they would respond right away. You also need to be able to coordinate the timing of small and large projects. You can imagine how difficult it is to coordinate computer projects involving a dozen or more programmers. Their work needs to synchronize with the other programmers or the entire project will be a failure. If one of the programmers drops out, the project will be done late as well.

Listening skills lead to sensitivity. But, sensitivity can also apply to business analytics. I analyze stats all the time. However, when I really look more deeply, sometimes I’ll discover patterns in the data that I never noticed before. This cannot happen without sensitivity, inquisitiveness and attention. If your employees show signs that they are not interested, if you are not sensitive, you might not pick up on those signs. Knowing when to fire someone, or when to watch someone is a critical skill in business. If you have been in business for a long time, it becomes intuitive and natural. But, you need to develop a sensitivity within you to be able to see people lose interest. Once an employee loses interest, their work will suffer and then they usually quit. Catch this trend before it happens!

Many companies hire employees who don’t get their work done on time, give wrong answer to questions, quit at the critical moment, etc. In music, if there is even one wrong note, the entire performance is ruined. In business, most companies make multiple mistakes all day long. Having a sitar or tabla playing background can help you be a much better business person by helping you to train yourself to be accurate — and rhythmical! If your business is accurate while the others are not, you have a better chance to grow by leaps and bounds.

Classically trained musicians earn more
The average person in the United States makes about $40,000 per year. When you talk to them they just seem average — partly because they are average. People who play classical music as a hobby typically make around $120,000 per year average — and are more “in tune” as well. They are often professors, doctors, attorneys, researchers, and sometimes music teachers as well (the music teachers don’t make that much, but the doctors typically do.) So, one could say that studying classical music as a child can triple your income as an adult. I’m not sure that’s a fair comparison, but there is some truth to it.

The myth that classical music isn’t sexy
Many people think that classical musicians are very prudish and straight. There is some truth to this fallacy. However, many musical instruments have a G-string, and there is nothing as sexy as one of those! On the other hand, if you play the sitar, that involves playing a drone — that is okay just as long as you also don’t talk like a drone (or have one deliver pizza.)

The moral of this article is that studying classical music helps you to refine, perfect, listen, be sensitive, and be on time. These traits will help you in anything you pursue in life — especially business. So, if your business is doing well, or not doing so well, I’m sure it would do better if you dust off your sitar that’s sitting in the closet and start taking lesson. And if you don’t like the sitar, play the veena.

“I’m Ravi Shankar and I approve of this message!”

The angels decide your fate in business

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Many of us feel that our business success depends on us. Others leave it to luck or market conditions. When people do poorly, they often blame it on the economy. The truth is that our success depends on us, but also on consciousness, and even on the angels.

We are not alone in this world. There are spirits and angels all around us. You might not see them (and you might get locked up in an insane asylum if you do see them) but they were there. A lot of who we meet, what we do for a living, and what happens to us is decided above. It is a common expression that marriages are made in heaven. Even the unhappy marriages are often made in heaven as a way for us to work on our spiritual problems. Relationships force us to learn to deal with others better and to deal with ourselves better as well.

When I tythe by giving to charity, my sales go way up. This is because giving to the poor is a spiritually recognized activity prescribed by most religions. When you give, you open up channels that will send you more money and other valuable help from the universe. In a sense, by giving, you become a conduit, and you become more like God himself as God spends his entire existence doing work and creating for the benefit of others. My biggest mistake in business in the past was not giving enough. Additionally, I will say that God is very particular about which charity you give to. If you see huge rewards for giving to particular charities, then perhaps that is where God wants you to channel your finances. If you didn’t get much benefit in terms of good luck after giving to a particular charity, it might be corrupt in some way that is not visible from the surface.

Another huge issue with success in business is consciousness. When I hang out in wealthy places, that often helps my business make more money even though I am not doing business with those wealthy people at the wealthy places — I pick up their consciousness just by being there. When I do a little sales every day instead of leaving it all to my sales lady, our total sales go way up because my mind gets into the consciousness of sales. I have twenty tasks that I have to do daily including Twitter, Blogging, managing programmers, site admin, etc. But, if I include an hour of sales — miracles happen.

Basically, the point of this blog is to tell business owners to focus their mind on whatever the most beneficial things are for your business. Sometimes that might mean sales, or marketing, or site design. Other times it means hanging out in wealthy places. And give to charity. God rewards those who do his work. God’s work gets done through our hands, and he will be a lot nicer to you if you are one of his helpers.

God and Retirement Income

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What do God and retirement income have in common? Not much — but, also more than you think. After you retire you’ll be seeing a lot more of God. On the other hand, God controls your income and money comes from God as do all other things. So, should you pray to God that your retirement will be affluent? No. However, what makes sense is to always be close to God, and also find ways of getting income.

Many retired people find that retirement is boring and is the one thing that will kill them. It seems a shame that young people are forced to work so hard that they lose their lifestyle while the elderly and handicapped are often prevented from working. My suggestion is to keep working — but, take lots of time off and don’t work more than 15-30 hours depending on how feeble you are getting. Work will make you feel good.

But, what kinds of income can a retired person get?

Investment Income: If you saved up during your younger years, you can make nice dividends on your investments. If you can make a few hundred or a thousand in dividends and pair it with some other income, you will be set.

Social Security: In America, Social Security will pay you something every month, but generally not enough to live affluently on. But, fi combined with other sources of income you might be okay.

Freelancing: You don’t have to be 20-something to freelance. You can be old just as long as you get the job done. Look on the bright side, how many of those 20 year olds have 40 years of experience (not including past lives?)

Start a Business: Nothing fancy, but a part-time business is a nice way for an elderly person to be their own boss. Your customers will know you and understand that you have your good days and your forgetful days.

Real Estate: If you manage properties that you own, or that family members own, you can make a lot of money. Younger people don’t have time to drive around to see if properties are properly maintained and give people key’s etc. An elderly person has one asset in their advantage — time. Most old people think that time is not on their side as they have few years to go. But, keep eating vegetables and understand that being retired makes you have all the time in the world. If you manage your time effectively, you might do well in Real Estate as it involves a lot of driving around, talking to people and checking up on negligent young whipper-snappers.

If you know what you’re looking for, that’s half the battle

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Many of us go through life without knowing what we’re looking for. We get into particular habits, and spend time with particular people. But, what do we really want. We spend half of our lives trying to attain particular goals. But, are the goals what we want?

For me, my lifestyle was always one of my goals. What good is money, if you are the slave of it? I want my freedom, and my current business allows a fair amount of is along with a lot of work.

Many others slave away so they can make money, but by the time they make it, their health is so bad they can’t enjoy it.

Another interesting point is that in my business, there are many directions for expansion. I am never sure which direction to take. I know I want to expand and make more money, but which direction do I expand? Should I spend more time on social media, Twitter, blogging, or other marketing channels? And which of my three businesses should I focus more on? It is all very confusing. Sometimes I think I need to spend more time having meetings with myself to figure this all out. The more you venture down a particular avenue, the more clearly you see it. As someone who does twenty things at once all day long, finding my balance and focus is another complication. I’m not sure what I’m looking for in my balance or focus. I hope I figure that out. But, I have decided to do more sales and a little less marketing. That is a big part of my new balance as it brings faster cash and money is one of my biggest goals.

Creating a valumometer for your employees

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Busy managers seem to fail to make time to assess the work of their employees. They give an assignment, and if it gets done roughly in time and with good enough work, it is good enough for them. Big companies have analysts that keep track of everything. They might take notes on your attitude, how many seconds late you were, and god knows what else. They understand that the little signs can be indications of how well someone will do in the long run. If you can determine the value of your workers, you can optimize them to have an ideal labor force.

So, if you run a smaller company, how do you determine the value of your various employees? You need to keep track of everything they do. You need to assess their abilities at various skills, the ups and downs of their attitude, how well they get along and communicate with others, how on time (or not) they are, etc. You need to integrate multiple factors in a single algorithm to create the ultimate valumometer. The fun part is that your employee’s value will go up and down like the stock market. The point of this exercise is that with a good system in place, you will know exactly when to fire someone. You’ll also know when to hire someone new who you are testing out. Remember, the value of the valumometer is even more when testing out new people rather than just blindly hiring them.

How to be on vacation six months a year & still run your business

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It’s a popular blog topic to discuss being on vacation all year round or part of the year and still being able to run a profitable business. The reality is that you can do it. However, there is some technique involved.

Many of us crave a change in scenery.
We love where we live, but we get bored of it. It’s the same old people every day. Even if you love the same old people, it’s fun to meat some different new (or young) people. When we go on vacation, we are normally in a huge rush. We have limited time to be away because we have to be back at work and clock in. Some of us only get two weeks of time off for a vacation per year. Should it be France or Spain this year you might ask.

I take a vacation every month
How can I afford it you ponder? I travel off-season for one. I often visit Arizona when it’s hot and get to stay at five star hotels for $150 a night. Or I might visit San Diego in the Winter when it’s not that popular. I lived in India for some time while I was there on spiritual business. I basically am away from home a lot, yet I keep things running.

Off-season travel & deals
It is common for people who like to work away from home to be good at getting deals. There are credit cards that will give you hotel and airfare points. There are other ways travelers can travel the world for pennies as well. Some do couch serving, others do Air B&B. A few teach English overseas to make an income.

How does one get anything done?
I notice that there are certain locations where I get a lot of work done. I have a few spots in Arizona where I feel like working all the time. I have a spot in Northern California where I can’t stop working. There are other places such as Santa Cruz, CA where I feel like meditating and reading the entire day — and I do. The main point is that while away, I need to make sure I do my emails, call lists, and whatever other responsibilities I have decided to take with me. If I am in a lazy location, nothing will get done — I won’t even crack open my laptop. But, if I am in a place that is affordable enough to stay for a few days and has a vibe that gives me mojo — I get a ton done.

Others do what I do, but travel the world.
There are shared offices in Thailand, Bali and other popular locations that hobo entrepreneurs use to run their show. Berlin is a popular destination with very low costs as well. Others stick to their hotel rooms. You can live like a king for pennies in Southeast Asia. Hotels are cheap, food is amazing and cheap, you can even afford a massage twice a week for a few dollars a shot. All you need is a phone-line or internet phone and good internet, and you can run your business. You need to do your research, but mostly it is about habits.

When I was in India, I used internet cafes.
I was in them daily for hours getting my work done. Unfortunately it was very uncomfortable in those stacking chairs. Indians are built smaller than I am so it is less cumbersome for them. I also had an international phone plan. It wasn’t cheap, but I was able to make calls for more critical deals whenever I needed to. I called America from time to time to talk to my assistant and to purchase photos from web development.

For deep thought, nothing beats home.
I know that others love to write blogs about how they saved $2000 a month on rent by being in Laos half the year and how they loved it. I get a lot done on the road. But, I go for my health to be in the forests and deserts of America or to go to spiritual events. I feel that my best work happens at home. But, for emails and repetitive phone calls, I can often get more done away from home if the environment suits me. I go away and generally mix up my activities. I’ll hike for a few hours, meditate, eat at a new restaurant and then do a few hours of work. It’s not like home where I have already seen all of the attractions. When I’m home, I work, and then have a late dinner. When I’m on the road, my life takes on a new variety of alternative directions.

Sample your new location before committing
Yes, it’s fun to work away from home. But, you need to be acquainted with the location. If you go to China, you might not be able to use Google which would stop me dead in my tracks. If your email gets hacked, you need a plan for how to recover when your incoming phone calls (that will contain the rescue text) will still come through. You need to know if it is safe and if you can stand being there day after day. I am used to travel and can stand long periods of loneliness. Others can’t handle it for more than half a day. So, do your research and you can engineer the lifestyle of your dreams — and enjoy it while you are awake!

What time of the day do you think better — or are you a night person?

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What time of the day do you think better?

Which time is of your essence?
As Ben Franklin once mused: Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. But, what time of the day did he think of that great saying? My experience is the opposite. Many great writers, musicians, and Talmudic scholars agree that 2am is the most auspicious time for unleashing untapped parts of your brain. Let me put it this way — hamsters aren’t the only animals that are nocturnal.

What’s in YOUR time zone?
It’s interesting that I was born at 12:38pm and generally get out of bed at around 12:38pm. So, when the rest of the world is hitting the sack, I’m returning to the womb. Astrology plays a role in when we get our best thinking done. I often have my resident astrologer pick the dates and times for my most important meetings with programmers and other business associates. But, different times of the day are better for different types of thinking. There is a lot of activity during the day, and interacting in a busy way makes sense during daylight. But, deeper more philosophical, esoteric, or contemplative thought is often more conducive during the bewitching hours of the night. Not only are there less distractions then — there are less thoughts in the atmosphere leaving you with clearer reception for your own thoughts and thoughts that come in from the cosmos.

Is there a time of day when you are more productive?
My astrologer and I believe that repetitive work is best done on a Tuesday. While on Wednesday, Mercury is in charge, and it is the best day for intense communication. Thursday is good for long term decisions as Jupiter is in charge. Friday is perfect for love or prayer (or praying that you get a date.) Each day has its own attributes. So, not only is the time of day critical for task optimization, but so is the day of the week.

Should you sleep more?
A formal study was done on junior high students by Finley Edwards of Colby College. Students who started the day an hour later did 3% better at math and reading. You might be able to think more clearly if you sleep more, nap more, or clear your head completely by meditating an hour or more per day. When people say, “Sleep on it,” you should take heed of this advice. It is advisable to get a good night’s sleep before making any large business decision. The sorting activity that your brain does while you are sleeping is analogous to letting the cleaning crew come into your cluttered office to throw out the junk and prepare for the next busy burst of activity.

Walk your cobwebs away
Some of the brightest thinkers of all time had a habit of taking a long walk every day. Studies show that walking in nature or even looking at trees out the window can calm your head and help activate the creative parts of your brain, while those that stare at computer screens for hours tend to get mentally frazzled. So, when it comes to clear thinking, make sure you “do windows.” Some people even hold important two-person meetings during walks since it is easier to think clearly while the brain is oxygenated and fresh. Putting aside what time of the day you think most clearly, try taking a walk before you think and see if that makes a difference. If you’re thinking about the benefits of walking, walk first so you can think about that issue more clearly. Walk first, think later.

Meditation divinizes the soul & mind
Meditation is an age-old tradition that has been perfected by the Hindus and Buddhists over the last few thousand years. Meditation not only clears the brain of its chatter, but clears your soul. Imagine how well you’ll think if your soul has been cleansed. Many feel that meditating for half an hour or so in the morning sets you in good spiritual and mental graces for the rest of the day! Why not start the day on the right foot.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness
It is a common tradition throughout many religions to bathe as an act of physical purification. But, bathing also cleanses your energy flow as well as your mental state. Muslims wash their hands, face and feet before prayer. Jews take a ritual bath in a Mikveh. Hindu Brahmins traditionally take two or more baths a day using a few drops of holy water from the Ganges. In addition to these religious types, my writer (a practicing agnostic) claims that he does his best thinking (and singing) in the shower. Personally, I would not do any serious business thinking without bathing, meditating, and of course getting a good night’s sleep the night before!

Sleepwalk your problems away
If sleeping and walking are both good prerequisites for deep thought, why not combine them? You could sleepwalk! And if you’re sleepwalking on a rainy day — don’t even get me started. But, the reason why I created this section is because many of my best business ideas came to me in dreams. So, don’t underestimate what goes on while you are sleeping.

I think best at the beach after sunset
I do a lot of my best business thinking out of the office. My home office has the vibration of activity. I need a more still environment for deeper thought. Some of my best ideas come while sitting next to the beach at night, or hanging out at my local spaghetti or sushi spots. Ideas just come to me at these places, and I just cannot explain why.

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Curb Your Attitude – a skit about workplace drama at a Medical Transcription Company

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RAMESH: Everybody I’m working with seems to have awoken on the wrong side of the bed today!

PRAVEEN: Well, if everybody got out of bed on the wrong side, then maybe it is the right side.

SANKUL: No, it is YOU who got off on the wrong side of the bed.

DILIP: FYI, I sleep on the floor on a thin mat next to a wall. I only have one side to pick from!

PRAVEEN: Oh, no wonder you’re in a lousy mood. Maybe you should sleep in a chair like my sister.

STEVE: (ring ring) Hey, how come my medical transcriptions are never on time?

RAMESH: Why do you always exaggerate?

STEVE: It’s not always. Sometimes I exaggerate! You are exaggerating how often I exaggerate!

RAMESH: Okay, we were one day late on the last assignment only. We’re almost done with the current assignment.

STEVE: If you had a client who enforced deadlines, you’d be fired for being even three seconds late.

RAMESH: Okay, curb your attitude!

STEVE: It’s already curbed, I have it on a tight leash.

RAMESH: Praveen! Get that assignment done for Steve. The transcription for the transfusion.

PRAVEEN: I will transfuse the transcription right away.

SANKUL: I’ll have to diffuse your tranfusion if you don’t curb your attitude!

DILIP: Which one are you talking about?

SANKUL: All of you! I think we all need to go on a walk, inhale some rick-shaw exhaust, and come back to the office feeling refreshed!

DILIP: Yes, let’s reboot our attitude.

RAMESH: Agreed! Just get the work done so I can tell Steve the good news!