Author Archives: 123outsource

10 quick factors that differentiate a good blog entry from a bad one

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Many people write blogs, but most writers are not that interesting. Even some of the more famous blogs out there have very predictable and dull contents. So, how do you write winning blogs every time? It is not an exact science, but here are some tips.

(1) Having the right photo vs. having “a” photo.
Any blog about blogging will emphasize how you need a photo and how you will get more shares on Facebook, pins on Pinterest, and popularity in general by having a photo. But, having a mediocre photo might not get you much traction. You need to compare photos and see which ones get you the best following. Compare your analytics and use your senses. A good photo makes you say, “awe.” If you don’t have a reaction to the photo you are using, it is probably not the best you can do. Be selective if you want traffic. Thriving on the internet is based purely on how good you are at selecting and/or crafting top content and not on having mediocre photos.

(2) Length matters
I have the habit of jotting my ideas down on my iphone’s notes section. Then I’ll write lots of quick blog entries. This is a great way to experiment. However, most of the quick blogs I wrote that were three or four paragraphs with no sub-headers didn’t get read more than a few times. The blogs that were the most successful were about 500-700 words, and had many points within a greater theme, each with bolded sub-headers above each paragraph.

(3) Uniqueness is a huge factor
Many people write blog entries on topics that have been done to death. This might be okay if you offer a unique new twist on an old theme kind of like how Mozart wrote dozens of variations on Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as a child. However, picking unique themes that will be populur to a very general audience is the not so easy to master key to popular blogging. If you are in a niche industry, you might not be able to stay relevant while pleasing the masses, but at least please the masses who have some relationship to your niche market!

(4) Promotion on Social Media is critical
If you do not have a good social media presence, you might find it hard to promote your blog. If you blog regularly and the Google Gods pick you up, then you can get traffic from them. But, that can take hundreds of blog entries to accumulate a significant start with the Gods. It takes time to develop a massive Twitter, Instagram or Facebook presence, so try to master social media as that is one of your keys to getting your blog articles in the door with readers.

(5) Networking with co-bloggers
If you have a proofreader, partner, or comedian who can add some humor to your blogs, this can really help. It makes sense to invest in blog articles that are already popular by sprucing those ones up. There is no point in improving upon blog articles with ideas that didn’t work though or new articles which you are not sure about.

(6) Being too factual seems to alienate readers
There are many bloggers who are great at researching facts and figures. They pride themselves on providing “useful” information. But, the reality is that people want articles that are fun, interesting, or that can change their lives with little or no effort. Yes, a good blog article needs some facts to back up your claims and hypotheses, but being overly factual doesn’t normally lead to articles that get read much. The overly factual articles sit on the shelf.

(7) Articles with many points on a single topic often win big.
Do you see titles such as 8 ways to succeed on social media or 11 ways to get your cat to meao more? These are titles that work. On social media, most bloggers make the mistake of not including unique content in the tweet itself. The result is generic looking titles that I would not invest any reading time in. Blog articles that have a theme and two or three examples do not do well. Longer articles with seven, ten, or twenty-eight ways to for example succeed in social media seem to do better. But, be unique about how you write and promote these articles otherwise they too will end up lost in cyberspace.

(8) Excite and entertain
Nobody wants to go back to a blog that puts them to sleep. You need to find a way for your blog to be easy to read, fun, and exciting. With half of the world’s population now claiming to be bloggers, you have to differentiate your boring content from everyone else’s, so try to be interesting!

(9) Too much advice can be a bad thing
My very best blog articles did the worst. But, why? Because I gave really fine-tuned technical advice for how to do better in business, social media, or in hiring. Too much nitpicky and analytical advice doesn’t usually do well unless your audience demands it. Additionally, I am writing to an average business oriented crowd and not to a high-brow crowd. Sometimes if I write above the level of my readers, they become alienated.

(10) Sentence structure of the title really matters
If you analyze blog titles and which ones do well, you will quickly understand that simple grammar actually sells. Subject – Object -Verb is a great structure to start with. My best blog article of all time had a title – Steve Jobs watched his programmers carefully, so should you! It was simple, had a powerful message, and a call to action. Not all posts that use the formula for success will be successful, but it is a good place to start.

(11) A call to action
A good blog entry should get people out of their chair. There should be a call to action. They should want to get up and make a change to their life or business right after reading it. A call to action could be part of the title, like in my Steve Jobs example, and should definitely be at the end of a blog entry.

(12) Know your audience and personalize
It is hard to know the intricacies of your audience — their likes and dislikes. You have to experiment and learn little by little what they like as a group. And they will surprize you many times as well. I mentioned before that if I write articles that are too technical, analytical or high-brow my audience tends to not read them. On the other hand, if I write interesting articles with a meaningful and understandable point, they will get a generous supply of traffic.

(13) So, what can you do?
Start by experimenting and look at your analytics. Try to figure out which articles worked best and why. Look at what other people are publishing and what did better on their Facebook or Twitter. There is no way to absolutely master the art of knowing what is popular on social media, but the closer you look, the better you get. So start today, and as always, choose some pictures that knock your socks off! I am not using photos yet except on Facebook promoted posts, but I’ll begin using them soon as my blog grows!

Your customers can feel if your workplace is unhealthy

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There are many reasons why a workplace could be “unhealthy.” An unhealthy workplace have too many people cramped in a small space. There might not be enough windows. The windows in offices generally don’t open which is why I don’t work in that type of environment. You might have argumentative people, or mean bosses. There could be office politics, overly long work days or other things to create an unhealthy environment.

Customers pick up on your office environment.
Customers enjoy working with pleasant businesses who get the job done with a smile. Most companies out there do not do their work correctly, have managers running around like chickens with their heads cut off, and workers who are either incompetent or don’t care — or both. Add stress and vindictive office relationships to the mix, and you’ve got a really unhealthy office environment.

Your Vision
The solution to this problem all starts with a vision. There have been cool companies in America that had a cool vision. Cliffbar has upbeat staff creating healthy food products. Starbucks created a pleasant environment with happy staff that the public can’t stay away from. Google creates workplaces that are customized for innovative collaboration. But, most other companies just don’t even start to think about optimizing their environment. Do you want to create a wonderful work environment, or do you prefer to take the easy way out and keep things the same? Maybe it’s easier if you can’t stand your environment, but are forced to stay and work in it. Then, you would have to change it or risk going insane.

Solutions to an unhealthy work place
Changing around the office space or getting a new office that is more appealing might be a good start. Aspiring to create a company culture of upbeat people would help a lot. Getting rid of sour employees who ruin everyone else’s day could be a life saver. Hiring a few people with bubbly personalities might add joy to the other people’s lives even if the bubbly folks were not good workers themselves. Having plants in your office might create some oxygen and lower stress. But, what about animals? I have seen offices in Hollywood allow people to bring their dogs and cats to work. It was a little unusual, but since their dogs were quiet, it worked out.

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Compilation of posts about offices

Do you see opportunities where others don’t in BPO?

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I am not running a BPO, so I am not in touch with your reality. But, seeing opportunities is a skill you need. Many in BPO just want to start a call center or data entry firm without knowing what a real opportunity is. They know what they want to achieve, but are out of tune with what the clients want. I’ll tell you what the clients want. They want call centers in Manila, not in Mumbai, so move to Manila and hire local staff if you want to get ahead in the call center world.

There are many niches in the BPO industry a person could get into. The skill here is to be able to identify niches and then later to see if you can be effective at doing the work and gaining clients in that niche. The main skill here is to be able to identify what clients want, and you do that by talking to lots of clients or prospective clients and asking them about their experiences without trying to sell the something.

If your entire philosophy of life is, “give me job, give me job” and you lack grammar, skills or personality, then you won’t succeed. Someone who says, “give me job” is a beggar who only thinks of himself, who doesn’t care what the customer is thinking and doesn’t even know it is important to be in tune with that. Get this mentality out of your head if you want to have a chance.

What if you have a call center, but realize that there might be limited competition in certain niches. What if you learn Mortgage Process Outsourcing? What if you learn where prospective clients are, how to contact them, and how to sell to them. What if you learn how to process the documents like a pro? You might do really well because there is very limited competition in this niche! On the other hand, what if you excel in technical support for particular types of products. You might beat out the competition since nobody else can do what you do. If your offerings are too general, you might not survive the competition. On the other hand, if you are versatile, and can learn to do anything, then if you only have a few clients, they might use you for everything, and you might make tons of cash from them.

So, how should you define your niche? I feel it should evolve over time, and your skills should also be a huge factor in deciding your specialty. If you have superior skills in a particular area of the industry, nobody will be able to beat your service! Good luck!

Making your workplace feel like home

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Do workers work better or worse if they feel they are at home? I personally work better, but others might get lazy. Some people do nothing productive at home, while others thrive in this environment. It might be best to study the productivity habits of all of your workers and customize their environment to suit them ideally. If one works better with trees, put them out in a forest. If another works best in a cubicle, then do the obvious. If another works better at home, but you need them at the office, then continue reading this blog…

Making your office like home
There are coffee houses and bars that strive to feel like someone’s living room. These types of business put effort into their ambiance otherwise they will have an empty house. But, how many offices do the same? Imagine how much easier it would be to attract nice workers if you created an environment they actually liked being in! If you have windows that look like home, dogs, cats, and pets in the office, shelves filled with books, and other home-type stuff, people might feel more like home. You might add a sofa and coffee table just in case people want to do some collaborative thinking. But, would people collaborate, or just socialize and waste time? That is for your analytics department (which you probably don’t have) to find out. In the mean time while you ponder having an analytics department, do the analytics yourself!

Happy workers
Whether or not a homey environment is good for productivity, it seems obvious to me that most workers would prefer to be in that type of environment, and your attrition rate would go down. Worker satisfaction would most likely go up. There are many factors to think about when choosing an environment and short term productivity is only one of them!

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Compilation of posts about offices

Compilation of posts about offices

Wouldn’t it be nice to have your office in the Himalayas?

“Not responsible for lost or stolen verbiage”

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“When your neuron fires, make sure they aren’t blanks”

In the Wild Wild West of the World Wide Web, language could be stolen, mangled, butchered, or even kidnapped. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you’re free to steal other people’s literary property without at least providing reference to the source in the form of a footnote.

About an hour ago, I was formulating a blog with my highly discerning writing consultant. I was establishing the opening paragraph of a very interesting blog about blogging — I know, it sounds very Seinfeldian. Andy came up with a pithy witticism which I liked, but he was distracting me and I told him to, “hold that thought.” But, he dropped it which pithed me off. We got through the opening passage and got through half of the body of the article when I asked him if he remembered his comedic remark. When he said he forgot his joke, we both tried to jog our memory banks, but the thought didn’t come to us until we got three more paragraphs into the blog. Then, we brainstormed, and it came back to us. What was the phrase we were looking for? “None of your business!” You mean you won’t tell me? No, I just told you. The phrase we forgot was, “None of your business.” Although we considered using the phrase, “Mind your business” as well.

To conclude this satire about the making of “Bloviating Business Blogs in the Big Blasphemous Blogosphere” — we didn’t actually use that exact title, but you get the point, I came up with a very interesting verbiage for a warning sign.

“Not responsible for lost or stolen verbiage.”

5 important things call center agents must do

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Five Important Tips the Call Centre Agents Need To Use To Improve Their Customer Services
Your customer service call centre is generally considered to be the heart of your business and has a direct effect on your customer’s interaction. When they experience long times or ineffective agents customers would then be unhappy with your organization and would begin to look for some other solutions. In a recent study conducted by customer service manager reports 91.5 percent of your customers are unlikely to recommend your company once they have had a bad customer experience. This is why it is important that you improve your call centre operations. Given below are 10 important tips on how you could improve your customer services in the organization.

Clarifying the complaints of your clients and customers:
Sometimes customers are never clear when they are reporting their problems. They would never be sure of their problems and would be frustrated about making a call affecting their communication. And in order to resolve the issues quickly and easily our own communication has to be very efficient. Open ended questions like who, what, where, when and how would always give you the right information while closed questions would deliver confirmation. So try and use closed questions that would help you control the conversation allowing you to proceed towards the right resolution.

Whatever you tell yourself its true:
I once heard someone that the more she told herself how lucky she was the luckier she turns out to be. This simple act of telling yourself something and believing it delivers the right result. And once we believe something it would manifest itself in the body language, the facial expression and voice. This would also mean that when you believe that your next call would result in disappointment then your body language and emotion would also express disappointment. Who would want to listen to someone who always sounds to be disappointed on the phone? No one so your customers here would refuse to listen to you and as a result would refuse your invitation to buy the products and services from you.

Smashing your negative beliefs:
Its quiet amazing of how someone could be positive about making an outbound sales call and as just we are about to dial there is a little voice which sits on our shoulder and says waste your time and they won’t be interested in buying anything from you. Within seconds our motivation tends to disappear and our brains go into overdrive to deliver reasons of not making the call. So rather than focusing on the negative beliefs train yourself and say that this could be the best deal of the day.

Being fast and consistent enough:
Consistency is the key when it comes to the call centre as no one would want to be consistently slow and bad. And not having simple, fast accurate and updated information is often the downfall of the agents especially when it comes to the two customer service blips. It generally stands for a reason that the call centre agents would require one common knowledge base that would work successfully across all the communication channels starting from phones, emails and social media.

Making sure that self-service does not turn out to be a poor service: Always every customer centric environment would have one self-centric form. Operations need to be very aware of the fact that how user friendly it is and how user friendly could it sound. Very basic but something that is vital to the customer satisfaction level.

So what do you think are the best ways of improving your customer service? Do leave your comments below.

Author Bio:
Abhishek Jain has over 10 years of experience within the BPO Industry and Finance and Accounting outsourcing services. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Services India delivers and manages various offshore/onsite projects in various technologies and domains

Attracting clients to your call center — testimonials

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We all want to attract more clients to our business. But how? There are so many avenues to attract clients. Some are expensive, and some are cumbersome. We have written many articles on the topic that you can read about if you click on the right on our call center category and scroll.

Missing the Obvious
Many call centers lose clients when they answer the phone. It is common for overseas call centers to have unclear phone lines and people who don’t speak clearly. My take is that you can’t possibly be a decent call center if there are any serious issues with your communication. Others have a dysfunctional web site with links that don’t work. If you can’t function, how can you possibly help others to function?

Getting Testimonials is Easy
Getting testimonials is a great marketing technique. It costs nothing to get testimonials — all you have to do is ask. You can use people as references as well. The question of where to post your testimonials is an even more interesting one. You can have a web page or several web pages devoted to testimonials. It is a common best practice to show the beginnings of a few of your best testimonials on your home page, and then have a “more…” link below that for those who want to read all of your client testimonials. You can also put more testimonials on your services page. A smart business person will put testimonials all over the place.

Review Sites are Powerful
Sites like Yelp, Angie’s list, and many directories have reviews these days. There are new sites sprouting up every day as well. Although these sites are “external,” having reviews on them can be powerful as you can link to those sites. Additionally, you can refer people to sites with reviews about you by using Twitter and Facebook as well as posting links in your blog.

Do You Blog?
Most people in outsourcing do not blog. There are only a handful of companies that do, and their blogs are often quite boring with ultra-short and/or self-promoting content. Others just post about outsourcing deals in the news which nobody wants to read about. People who are interested in outsourcing do NOT want to read about who Wipro and Accenture are buying out, etc. They want to read marketing articles and interesting points of views about the industry. However, you can also post reviews in your blog. If you have a popular blog (which takes a lot of building up to attain) you can post very potent marketing materials on your blog. Don’t try to sell on a blog as a general rule. However, you can publish content about your company, referrals, testimonials, interesting things that happen in your office, etc. The point of the blog is so that people get to know you and respect you as a source of quality knowledge — not to sell. If they grow to like you, they will buy on their own. We get dozens of new clients every month who claim they became clients because they liked our Facebook and blogging which incidentally work as a pair. The Facebook promotes blog posts, and the blog wouldn’t get half as much traffic without the Facebook.

Start Today!
So, go and get some testimonials and post them all over the place where prospective clients will be seeing them. You will get more business and people will feel better about you. You will feel better about yourself as well.

Office in Nature concept

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Wouldn’t it be nice to have your office in the Himalayas.

I have proven to myself that working in different environments strongly affects your endurance, and work output. Working in a calming environment helps neutralize the negative effects of stress, while working the desert or forest can be invigorating (depending on which desert and which forest.) Industries that capitalize on cheap labor (like Call Centers ) are desperately in need of more therapeutic offices even though that might not be economically feasible. But, Google capitalizes on innovative office spaces that make you feel good to be there and collaborate with others which better innovation, and drastically reduced turnover. Is your priority to save short-term cash or to have happy long-term workers?
Narrow mindedness could be a bigger enemy than cost as most managers are reluctant to think about innovating their offices.


Being in the desert is stimulating in itself because of the dryness and the energies which are often innate to many desert areas. Although the desert is an arid place, not to worry, your ideas won’t dry up there. But, how would you structure an attractive yet practical office environment in this unique local. My friends and I thought of several ideas which sounded fun. Here they are:

(1) Ramadas.
Imagine having open-air structures where you can enjoy the breeze, yet be protected from the oppressive rays of the sun. You can hear the birds chirping, and see the cacti growing while going about your busy day of scheduling meetings, making calls, doing emails, and complicated analysis. Having cabanas is the Cuban alternative to a ramada as cabanas are made out of canvas while ramadas are adobe.

(2) Pyramids
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. But, can you picture a pyramid in Tucson? Actually, I can because half of the mountains in that region are shaped like pyramids. Pyramids are symbolic shapes. They represent the most geometrically stable shapes known to physics, but also represent graves. Having an office in a pyramid might be the best type of feng-shui if you are in a business that requires stability, and also if you’re involved in a Ponzi scheme or perhaps network marketing.

You could build lots of little pyramids around many strangely shaped pools, and then the CEO would get the corner pyramid (of course.) Or you could just have one big pyramid. Mid-level management could go on a middle floor of the pyramid. Some of the programmers might opt to have an underground office. It would be something like a man-cave. Think of the benefits — fewer distractions.

In a conventional office, workers hang out at the water cooler. But, in an desert office, workers can hang out at a mirage.

Additionally, family oriented people like pyramids because there are a lot of mummies there.

Just thinking about the tantalizing prospects of an office in the desert makes my mouth water, except the water is merely a mirage.

(3) Underground
Imagine an office build within a hill in the desert. You would have protection from the heat, but have windows facing the sloping hill where you could see all of the saguaros, barrel cacti, and organ pipe cacti. Your office would be in a garden. We would write more about desert offices, but our ideas have dried up (for now.)


(1) American Forest
Imagine having an office park made out of tree houses. As a nature lover, I can’t stand the idea of nailing anything into a living tree. However, the trees (who have feelings of course) might enjoy having some nature loving humans around. You could have a treetop office suite. You could have mini glass enclosed hemispheres with office units inside. I prefer something that is not intrusive on the natural setting that doesn’t require foundations, etc. There could be cabins in a meadow in a forest as well. If your business does well in the trees, you might acquire quite a nice nest egg. But, if your business thrives more in an urban areas, you might be barking up the wrong tree.

There are disadvantages to the forest too. I might be going out on a limb here, but the type of people who work in tree houses are a bunch of saps. Also, when you work in the forest, you are sure to be surrounded by shady characters.

(2) The Himalayas
If you were in the Himalayas, it might be nice to have small huts and have the locals (who have a high unemployment rate) come and bring you tea and snacks from time to time. Imagine the possibilities for pampering. Electricity and conveniences might not be very reliable up there, but things are changing!


Having a beach house or a bunch of beach huts might be a nice way to have an office. Houseboats are another great idea. But, top it off with having your office on a boat. I enjoy doing phone calls from my car on a cliff overlooking the beach. Others enjoy working with their laptop right on the beach! You can take your office wherever you want to go these days!

Having an office in the right atmosphere can change the quality of your work. Experiment a little and see how changing your work location affects you!

Millenial job hoppers at India’s BPO companies – and how to harness them

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Millennials are a different breed. Those of us in our 40’s, 50’s and 60’s find them difficult to understand. They are evasive, like to avoid conflict, and job hop like crazy, especially at BPO organizations. On a brighter note, they care about social causes — at least until their short attention span fades and then they care about something else.

In America, millennials jump from job to job. But, in India, the problem is even worse. People who work at BPO programming houses jump boat so often, their management structure was designed to accommodate this type of behavior. Programmers in India are seen as being replaceable parts.

If you are working on a serious project involving ten programmers and Rahul jumps boat because he got a better job offer at another company, it might take a while for another programmer to get up to speed at what Rahul was doing. And if the other programmer doesn’t do the same quality work, or can’t do the work at all, then your entire project could be on the rocks for a while. You could lose a critical client in the mean time because a millennial decided to jump boat on a whim. So, what is the solution?

Screen before using on critical projects
If you are a large programming house, you might have different types of projects. If you have smaller, simpler, less critical projects, and huge team projects, you can choose which programmer you put on which project. If you have someone new, it is advisable to put them on something simple and quick just to see if they do it, and if they can do it, and how punctual they are at meeting deadlines and getting back to people. If a programmer does well on an easy project, you can upgrade them to a more complicated project. However, I would not put anyone on a critical project on salary, here’s why.

Salary just doesn’t work with critical projects, try contracts & bonding
If Ramesh is working on salary on a critical project with a team, the entire team’s work would be compromised if Ramesh drops out. Therefor, it is critical to make sure that Ramesh doesn’t leave the project until it is done, and possibly until bugs are worked out after its completion. The question is, how should you harness Ramesh? Deferred salary is one strategy. If Ramesh gets a small portion of his salary while working on a longer project, but doesn’t get the main payment until its completion, then he would be less likely to quit and begin work for a higher salary down the street at some other hi-tech company. It might also make sense to take it a step further and penalize the programmer for jumping boat as he would not only be failing at his part of the programming, but his failure would influence the timeliness and quality of the final output for all ten programmers as his piece of the puzzle might be critical interfacing with others. Not all programmers would agree to this type of contract, however, without a contract, the programming house is doomed.

Paying more for reliability makes sense
Many BPO companies in India want cheap, but don’t calculate the cost of people leaving. If you add up the damages incurred when a critical player leaves, you might realize that it is cheaper to pay good people more, and also to pay mediocre people more if they can guarantee reliability with a contract and perhaps a bond. Reliability is the key factor in programming project failures — so, if you can eliminate reliability issues such as leaving bugs around, leaving project half-done, and missing deadlines, you can excel as a programming outsourcing company!

A case study from a courier company
I used to work for a courier company when I was fresh out of college. I was started out doing “distribution.” I delivered people’s fake teeth to dentists and back from dentists all over Massachusetts. The work was not ultra-time sensitive and the materials I was handling were not life-threatening if lost. They put me on this type of work until I proved myself. Then, they tested me on time-sensitive work for a few months. After I had proven myself, I was awarded with a route. I went to seven banks in Boston (generally in bad neighborhoods) and delivered the checks to Providence, RI. I was handling millions of dollars in checks every day and had keys to go into banks at night. I actually set off the alarm once (oops!) In any case, the moral of my delivery days story is that I was not put on a critical task until I have proven that I was a reliable and trustable candidate. I was put through two types of reliability tests for months before given any meaningful work. Programming houses need to find some type of short-term work to give to people while they are proving themselves. That way, when someone is put on a critical job, they will be less likely to screw up or leave — especially if they are under a bonded contract!

Business: Will power vs. decisive will power: what’s the difference?

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When you are involved in a business, you will be acutely aware that certain problems are hard to solve. Some people just don’t cooperate, and some nuts are just hard to crack. What I have found in life is that will power simply isn’t enough. You need to unleash the power of decisive thinking. I remember meeting an Israeli guy twenty years ago. He was playing a game of ping-pong. His words were, “We gonna win and that’s final!” I’m not sure if he won or not, but when your back is to the sea, you fight good… or well (if you use correct grammar which Israelis generally don’t. Israel would be wiped off the face of the planet if they didn’t decide that they were going to survive and prosper. They don’t hope they will survive, they decide they will survive even if it is against all odds. So, why should you be any different in your business.

I had a non-business type of a problem in my apartment. There was a faint noise of a stereo playing techno. It sounded far away, but the boom boom boom of the subwoofer and the bass were audible when I was very quiet. I called security several times. They looked around, but couldn’t find the noise. They didn’t bother knocking on doors until I asked them to. The long and short of it was that I had to supervise each step of the process because they couldn’t do their job on their own. I am a manager, but why do I have to manage other people’s business? In any case, it took me seven calls to security to resolve the issue. They couldn’t stop the noise unless they knew where it was coming from, but the one thing I had a lot of trouble getting them to do was to invest a little time to do detective work to find out where the noise was coming from. After security talked to the guys above me, he learned that they also heard exactly the same noise, but neither of them knew where it was coming from. I went to all 12 floors of my building to try to find the noise.

The problem finally got solved when I stopped monkeying around and decided that I would get the problem solved that day. I would harass the hell out of security until they did what they were supposed to. I had to call them during the day, and again in the early evening. Finally, they got the noise stopped.

The sad part of the story is that this noise got so into my head that I started going crazy. I had trouble sleeping because of the noise even with ear plugs. The minute I woke up in the morning, I heard the noise all over again. I went so crazy that even when I was blocks away, I still heard the techno melody. I thought the sound might be coming from far away, but my brain had gone haywire in the meantime. It took three days for the noise in my head to completely go away.

The moral of the story is that when I was decisive about stopping the noise and decided to stop it no matter what, it finally went away! Maybe you should find issues in your business that require serious will power to fix as well.

8 profiles of “caring” workers. But, which type are you better off with?

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Your success in business could be determined by having workers that care. But, how do you differentiate a caring workers from one who does not? In real life it is not so easy as there are many levels to caring. There are many profiles of workers and each one is different.

Also See: Good Sign Bad Sign: What to look for in newly hired workers

The Drone – The worker who just does their job
There are many people who just do their job. They don’t care if the work is good and they don’t even double check or look for feed back. They just don’t care, and it shows. Miraculously many bosses keep this type of worker and don’t look for better which results in very mediocre output!

The Nice Person – The worker who is pleasant to all
There are some workers who are very polite and pleasant. They are so considerate that you might be fooled into thinking that they really care. Don’t be!

The Good Communicator – The worker who will have detailed conversations with you
There are other workers who will have long talks with you about work. They will suggest their own ideas which are often good ones. They will make sure work gets done. But, this type might slack off starting a few months before they quit, so beware!

The Loyal Worker – The worker who sticks around
Some people are quitters while others show loyalty to the boss. This doesn’t necessarily mean they care about their job, but they value the stability of the work.

The Selectively Caring Worker – The worker who cares about some aspects of their work
Some people care a lot about the parts of their work that they relate to, but don’t care at all about many other parts of the work that the boss tries to get them to put more emphasis on. These are “selectively” caring workers.

The Undependable Caring Worker
I know people who care tremendously about their work and its results. They care so much that if one person calls them back, they will look through the trash to try to find the data to associate the person’s number with their name. They will invest twenty minutes calling someone back who didn’t even leave a message and then go to the beach when they are supposed to be at work the next day. This type of worker will waste endless time on something that is completely meaningless and completely neglect the bigger picture.

Also See: What does Warren Buffet look for when he hires?

The Limited Availability Freelancer
With freelancers, this is a regular problem. You might have a very caring and conscientious worker who just won’t do more than a few hours a week for you because their other work is a priority. At least they didn’t leave you completely in the cold. This is a type of worker you can work with in the long run because they are panning out even though they always leave you wishing for more!

The Midnight Toker
Ideally, you need a worker who will care about all of the aspects of their work. You need someone who will stay until midnight if necessary. You need someone who is constantly trying to improve upon themselves. And finally, you need someone who is loyal and won’t quit on a whim.

Perfection is Not Always Possible
It might not be so easy to find perfect workers every time. But, if you are constantly interviewing people all the time, you might get better at finding them and keeping them on board. The perfect company has perfect workers, so keep perfection as your goal.

As my friend Chung-Ho who owns a Chinese bakery always says, “Reach for the moon cake!”

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