Diary of a Night Owl Who Enjoys Outsourcing

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Diary of a Night Owl Who Enjoys Outsourcing
The night is young from a night owls perspective and the Indian programmers have already finished installing ten new pages with meta-tags, meta-titles and links.  The night owl says, “Wow, this is the way to do business — I didn’t even go to bed yet, and the work is done…. lets assign more”.  A feeling of relief that the Indian Software company in Pune is so fast on the draw, that the entire stack of emails that have the information for five dozen new pages will be done soon.
I’ve been writing customized SEO pages for dozens of pages for my new site for a few weeks now.  They are going online one by one, and google is responding generously to my hard work.  But, its so nice that with my odd schedule, I can find companies that are in full function, when I am in full function with my Leo schedule.  Its hard doing business with Americans.  By the time I get out of bed, have my mocha, finish my emails and other pressing matters, its too late to call the East Coast, and the West Coast only has a few hours to go. 
India is perfect.  If only we could move it to Australia, then it would have the perfect time zone for my schedule, but I’m not complaining, its excellent already. If only all companies could be like Indian Software companies!   Emails are the way I communicate these days.  Sure, a phone call is easier if there is a lot of back and forth in the communication.  But, emails are best for straight instructions and perhaps one or two quick questions for what the work entails.  Its amazing for me to get back and forth at 10pm when I’m in full swing, and America is unconscious.
My schedule is only normal when I take my break and go into the redwoods.  Its a six hour drive to Santa Cruz from here and the various state parts are waiting for me.  There is a feeling of peace there in any of the redwood forests, especially when there is a slight drizzle.  The earth is so soft as its composed of disintegrating pine needles.  Thats the only time I wake up as a civilized hour.  Last trip up North I woke up at 6am the last day and went hiking near Felton, CA at Henry Cowell state park.  I save all of my hundreds of business calls to the East coast for when I go on my trips.  Thats the only time I’m not a night owl.  Its up North that I do my welcome calls for new clients, and reminder calls for existing clients.  I wouldn’t be able to call India from there because I fall asleep at 10pm when India has just gotten to work since its +13.5 hours.
If you are a night owl who is in a software business, Indian Software companies are a dream to work with.  Try it!

Do Americans Need To Worry About Losing Their Job?

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Do Americans Need to Worry About Losing Their Job?

Americans have become a fearful people in the last few years. Unemployment is high, and outsourcing is an industry that continues to grow. If your job is not automized in the next six months, it could be shipped to India, China, or the Philippines.

What Americans need to realize is that “American” jobs have been shipped overseas since the 80’s and if there were a finite number of jobs in the world, our job loss would leave 80% of us unemployed by now. This is simply not the case. With all of the new labor saving technology and outsourcing, Americans are busier now than we ever have been. So, why the high amount of jobless individuals?

Many news articles blame unemployement on internal domestic issues. However, if you take a closer look, the factors might be more specific than you think. If a company is forced to offer benefits to a new employee, the cost of hiring someone with unknown potential suddenly gets very expensive. If there are legal issues or risks involved in firing someone, then companies might be skeptical about hiring in-house employees. Many unemployed individuals have personality issues that make it hard for them to work with others, which is why American companies often find it easier to outsource work overseas. Many of the unemployed in America have skills which are no longer marketable in the current economy, and those individuals need to learn some new skills that meet the current technological needs (which keep changing every two years). Some workers are so slow, that its not cost effective to pay the overhead for renting the square feet they occupy plus the management costs for managing them. The cost of hiring someone and processing payroll for them in the U.S. is sky high. If a job can be outsourced, it doesn’t make sense to have it done here.

In the long run, if we keep losing jobs, the labor rate will go down. We have already seen that salaries for programmers have come down a bit in many cases due to stiff competition from India. Minimum wage has not gone up that much in the United States in the last decade and has not kept up with inflation, making our standard of living lower. If Americans would work for less, and work a little faster (with a shorter lunch break) then outsourcing wouldn’t be such an attractive option in the first place.

The fact is that Americans who are capable of doing work that is marketable in today’s economy are really busy. They don’t have time to return phone calls and will keep you waiting a long time to get work done. Additionally, people in America rarely give me the impression that they are willing to fight for my business. If you want work done in a hurry, you have no choice but to outsource because Americans simply don’t have time to help you on short notice.

As time rolls on, India has hit some roadblocks to its expansion of its outsourcing empire. Labor costs are sky high, attrition rates are out of control, workspaces are really expensive, overpriced, and in short supply, and roads are so crammed, that companies can not realistically relocate to the outskirts of their metro unless their workers live nearby. India’s rates for outsourcing will become so expensive that outsourcing will eventually slow down, or so I think. Additionally, a crisis with Pakistan is inevitable and could shut the whole country down if it got out of hand.

America is the land of infinite road capacity, large buildings with elbow room for employees, political stability. If America decides to lower its rates, it can easily reduce outsourcing in a flash. If America decides to find a way to employ its unemployed, or to make incentives to give unemployed individuals even a part time job, our jobless rate would reduce overnight with or without outsourcing or automation.

Additionally in the future, as India and China get richer, they will need more American soap, cars, beef, and other commonly exported products which means more jobs for Americans! Outsourcing karma comes back to you. What you lose, you gain back in another form in no time at all!

Americans need to fear the internal domestic inflexibilities that cause unemployment and not outsourcing.

Labor Costs & Overall Pricing

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Labor costs within a pricing formula

The way large companies choose which companies to outsource work to is based on a very complicated algorithmic formula that takes into consideration many aspects. We’re all aware that labor cost is one of the major considerations that effect the price of outsourced labor. But, there is a lot more involved, and since prices are always changing, long term cost considerations need to be included in a calculation.

Per capita income and prices
Statistically, India is a very poor country with per capita income around $700 per year (rough figure) while American income is around $40,000 per year. Therefore, the price of labor in India must be 57 times as cheap, right? Wrong. American income doesn’t vary so dramatically from place to place and from city to countryside. Although extreme cases exist including NYC which has wages that might be double what wages are for similar jobs in Mississippi, the rest of the country doesn’t vary so significantly. There are parts of India such as Bangalore or Chennai where a highly skilled Indian software worker makes $20,000 to $100,000 per year while a peasant in the Bihari countryside might only make 50 cents per day and might only eat once per day (on a good day).

The BPO jobs that happen in India are generally located in high cost urban areas where the price of labor and everything else is sky high. This is why the price of outsourced labor in India is only four times as cheap as in the U.S., and not fifty-seven times as cheap.

Job conditions in India
The next problem is that inflated and rising land prices in India make companies conserve on space. India has less land than the U.S., yet has four times the population, and the population shows no sign of declining either. Indians are typically squeezed in offices with their small desks crammed together like sardines. The American “dream” of having your own 6×6 cubical simply doesn’t exist for most Indian Software or call center workers. The price of land continues to rise in Indian metros making outsouring costs higher and higer. A 2 bedroom condo in the outskirts of Pune costs even more than it would in Portland, OR on a square foot by square foot basis.

High turnover is another cost in India
A few decades ago, it was only the lucky in India who could get a decent job, and the rest had to take menial jobs just to survive working for pennies per day.  Nowadays, there are too many good BPO and Indian software jobs. Its common for young techno-saavy Indians to skip from job to job chasing better working conditions, more likeable bosses, higher salaries, and nicer looking female work counterparts. Every time an employee jumps boat, that costs the boss a bundle to try to find someone new and train them. This cost gets transfered to the customer in the long run.

Management costs can vary
This is a very difficult issue to pinpoint, but there is always a management cost for the company who hires and outsourcing company. If your company is nearby or on a similar time zone, communication is easier and travel to see your outsourcing company is quick. If the company is working while you are sleeping, unless you sleep late, you will have trouble interacting with that company, not to mention the 30 hour plane flight to Mumbai! If you need to visit a company frequently, then outsourcing to India will carry a hefty management tab, but what if you only need to visit for initiating new complicated projects?

Transportation costs can add up
A business that involves shipping would choose a new location primarily on access to good transportation arteries with low warehousing costs. Reno and Memphis are famous shipping hubs in the U.S. as they are centrally located for their respective East and West halves of the nation. A call center doesn’t need to ship anything, but there are still costs for moving workers around. Cab fare in Hyderabad is not cheap. If a Hyderabad software company pays worker’s transportation, it can add up, even if workers cab-pool. Transport is yet another factor in the pricing formula.

Labor costs are only about 20-30% of the total cost of outsourced work. The rest go to infrastructure, management, and other costs.

Please visit our Indian Software page.

About us

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123outsource.net About Us
123outsource.net is owned by the same individual who owns 123notary.com and 123acu.net.  Incidentally, we also have a notary blog for 123notary.com which has a few entertaining entries for non-notaries.  We have been involved in internet directories since 2000 and its been challenging, but always interesting.  We have learned a lot in the last ten years, but the internet culture keeps changing, so we keep on changing with it.
The problem with internet marketing is that you are competing with the entire world.  If you are not one of the top few players in your industry, you will not get enough market share to have a business that is worth mentioning.  If you look at the search engines of the world, google gobbles up about 70% of the market share since they are so clever with their algorithms.  Yahoo gets about 20% of the market and the rest of the players share the remaining 10%.  If you feel you can’t be the absolute best in your niche, it doesn’t make sense to try to compete on the web. Our notary directory is the most popular of its type on the net.  Lets see if we can get the same results for our outsourcing directory.
The exception to this rule is local business who have a web presence to support their geographically relevant business.  If you run Joe’s car wash in Los Angeles, you don’t have to worry that Carl’s car wash in Seattle has a better web site than yours.  Just make sure that your web site is the most beautiful and best optimized in Los Angeles. 
The biggest changes that have happened that effect us in web business is that optimization algorithms for google have changed.  Meta-Titles are more important, meta-descriptions are less important, and social media is the magic that makes things happen.  Since we started our twitter and our blog, our placement on google for our outsourcing directory has gone far up for our  main keywords. 
Twitter is our newest development on 123outsource.net.  Our social media manager Anthony has been publishing links to really interesting articles.  I’m personally reading all of the articles and learning a lot about the recent developments in the outsourcing industry.  We hope you will join us on Twitter.
We hope to grow 123outsource.net into a huge business and we’ll let the forces of nature guide us in how we expand the business.  Size and refinement are the two biggest issues.  We have 1300 members now, but if next year we only have 1500, but 1500 really serious companies with great communication skills, the quality of the companies is what we are looking for.  Our job is to please our browsers, so if we make their query for quality companies a snap, the browsers will be loyal to us for life!

Marketing Your Outsourcing Company

Categories: Outsource Marketing, Semi-Popular | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Marketing your outsourcing company – Basics
If you run a company that provides outsourced services or wishes to do so, it is critical that you know how to market your services effectively.  There are many different types of products and services that are typically outsourced.  123outsource.net is familiar with services only, and specializes in promoting a dozen or so professional categories with their respective sub-categories.  There are many facets for marketing your business involving online promotion, public relations, customer service, and quality of service.  All of these aspects are critical and must be perfected if you intend to gain market share.  Being Visable helps you attract clients, but giving clients positive experience helps you keep them and get referrals.
Why listen to us?
123outsource.net is owned by the same individual who owns 123notary.com which has been around since 2000 and is the prime venue for effectively marketing notaries public in the United States.  When it comes to internet marketing, we are experienced.  We have been outsourcing programming and other tasks for years and have some basic common sense ideas for what effectively helps a company function more efficiently and provide more desireable service to clients. 
Online Promotion
If clients can’t find your company, it doesn’t matter how good you are.  A good web presence makes you accessible to the public, but is only the seed in growing your business.  The truth is that most companies worldwide get most of their business from word of mouth, regardless of how sophisticated the technology they use is.  A small restaurant or a large international high-tech company get noticed primarily because of word of mouth.  If you have a base of satisfied customers, that base can grow with referrals and repeat customers to result in a much larger customer base.  But, to get your INITIAL clientele you need a good online presence as well as a comprehensive marketing mix appropriate for your company and industry.  This outsourcing blog intends to be very general in its approach, so please use a consultant for specific marketing tips.
Components of an Online Presence
A well designed, easy to use, informative website is where every company needs to start.  Websites get outdated in content and design every several years, so don’t be afraid to devote part of your budget to periodic or a regular schedule for renovations.  Typical characteristics of an old style website are pictures with faded colors, broken links, information that was from many years ago, and design styles that were popular in the 90’s.  Sites today use brighter colors, high definition photos, and cutting edge web design. 
Optimizing Your Website
Regardless of the quality of your site, you will not get noticed without a good optimization campaign.  Optimization is generally complicated and expensive.  Please  visit our SEO page to learn the basics of optimization so you will understand what SEO professionals are talking about when you contact them.   The basics are that certain pages need to emphasize certain keywords, and that internal pages need to be linked to each other in a way that emphasizes keyword similarities and user-friendly functionality.  Additionally, having supporting content from blogs, facebook, twitter, forums, and other social media is actually magical in terms of search engine performance.
Public Relations Outreach
One way a company can market themselves is to contact specific companies that could use their services.  Email campaigns are common ways for SEO and web design companies to do outreach.  However, emails normally get discarded if the sender is not known, especially with promotional emails.  Calling companies manually by phone can be an excellent way to attract new business.  If the employee making the call is polite and helpful, but not pushy, new clients can be obtained.  If you are serious about gaining a new client through outreach, its more effective to offer the prospective client something substantial for free.  A few hundred dollars worth of free services is a great way to woo a serious potential client.  Make sure they intend on spending at least a $500 per month for at least a year before you give them anything for free.
Customer Service
If your company offers a pleasant experience to your clients, you are more likely to accumulate long term customers.  Good customer service is critical.  The people who answer the phone should speak well, and emails should be returned quickly. Internal management should make sure that all job tasks are explained clearly to the workers, and that the output of the workers is scrutinized BEFORE it gets back to the client.  Make life easy for your clients even if it costs you a lot more.  They will remember you for this.
Quality Work
Doing good work is critical.  The speed and accuracy of your work makes or breaks your business regardless of how good your promotional stengths are.  All of the facets of a good marketing mix need to be balanced. If you are good at work but lousy at internet presence, you are compromising yourself. But, if you can be fairly good at all of the components mentioned in this quick outsource blog entry, then you stand a good chance of succeeding in the outsourcing world. 
Please see our other related blog entries to read more about customer service, double checking work, and more!

(1) If clients can’t find you, it doesn’t matter how good you are. A good web presence makes all the difference.
(2) Get your initial clients from the web & then get clients from word of mouth! (or word of mouse)
(3) Marketing your outsourcing company from A to Z

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123outsource.net’s online presence

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123outsource.net – Online Presence
123outsource.net is a relatively new outsourcing directory for outsourcing companies.  Due to the owners extensive experience in internet marketing over the last decade, we have been able to have a very successful and fast start marketing our site.  We used all of the basic techniques that we wrote about in our SEO section.  We optimized each page for certain related and important keywords, and then created an internal link structure to strengthen those pages.  Additionally, our new social media campaign has worked magic to gain us immediate results on google. 
We now show up on google on roughly four hundred keywords, and get excellent placement under many of our most relevant and critical keywords, especially:  outsourcing directory, outsource directory, bpo directory, kpo directory, call center directory, lpo directory, etc.  We are currently working on optimizing for roughly twenty other critical keywords.
Take Social Media, Mix With Water, Get Results!
The results of our social media campaign were so good, it reminds me of this joke by Yacov Smirnoff in the 1980’s.  I don’t remember his exact verbiage, but here is what I remember.
When I first came to America, I went to a supermarket.  It was so huge, much larger than small grocery stores in Russia.  Then I went to Aisle 1 and saw milk powder… mix with water… get milk.  Wow!!  Then I went to Aisle 2 and saw orange juice powder… mix with water and get orange juice.   Everything is so convenient in this country.   Then, I went to Aisle 3 and saw BABY POWDER and said, what a country!  I make big family today!
Social media including Facebook, Twitter, blogging, and forums improved our search results on every site we used it on.  But, the results were quick and only took a few weeks which is amazing.  Take social media, mix with water, get results! Its actually time consuming and complicated, not to mention expensive, but the results don’t take long to come.  Google places a heavy emphasis on social media because it shows that you are not only serious, but want to interact with the world around you.
We created an extensive pay-per-click account with google.  We are now visable under 400 keywords in various countries.  Our pay-per-click network gets us over one thousand visitors today, not to mention the traffic from our organic search results which are not excellent under many of our top twenty keywords.
Link Building
We are engaged in a link exchange program where we offer free listings on our outsourcing directory in exchange for a link to our site.  We are rapidly gaining more and more incoming links which strengthens our search results on google as well as incoming traffic.

Outsource Blog Welcome

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Welcome to the 123outsource.net blog
123outsource.net is a directory of outsourcing companies around the globe.  We have many professional categories ranging from call centers, bpo, kpo, seo, data entry, web design, and software.  If you manage a company that would like to attract overseas clients, please contact us so that we can create a listing for your company.  123outsource.net offers free and paid listings for every budget.  Paid listings show up higher in our search results and statistically gravitate a much higher market share.
Outsource Blog
Our outsourcing blog will concern itself with a wide variety of outsourcing issues effecting the global community.  The purpose of this outsource blog is to inform as well as entertain our readers.  We welcome commentary, so feel free to email us at 123outsource.net@gmail.com if you would like to share an opinion, make a request.  Please let us know which topics you liked most, so that we can devote more time to writing about related topics.
Looking for Work?
123outsource does NOT hire individuals.  We are located in Los Angeles, CA USA and consist of the owner, one individual who makes outgoing phone calls on a part time basis, and a team of outsourced programmers in Pune, India who we intend to keep for the life of our business.  If you are looking for work, please call the companies listed on our website in your professional category and tell them you found them on 123outsource.net.  Please save your resume for companies who can potentially use you.
Topics Involved
This outsourcing blog will deal with topics such as: marketing outsourcing companies, algorithms used for choosing outsource companies, worldwide outsourcing trends, indexing new articles regarding outsourcing, improving your company’s interaction skills with overseas clients, and more.  Please ask us if you would like us to address a particular topic not already written about.
The Future of Outsourcing
We believe that outsourcing is a growing trend which benefits the whole world as it makes it possible to find the most efficient service provider irrespective of political and geographic boundaries.  Large companies have been moving towards a business model of focusing on their core competencies and outsourcing other functions to other companies throughout the globe creating a notion of a global workworce and global community.  It is interesting and fascinating living in these modern times.
We hope you enjoy our outsourcing blog!

A class system in call centers like Coach vs. Business Class

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Thank you and welcome to Kuala Call Center — where our lines are always friendly. Do you have a reservation for tonight? Oh yes, I see you have a ticket for coach. No problem, just follow me please…

If you book a ticket on an airline, there are different classes where you can sit. Yes, this is “classist” but on public buses there is only one class — low class. In many cities, middle and upper class people refuse to take the bus. In India you will be treated like a sardine if you dare take the bus which is why those with a choice do not! But, what types of classes would a call center have?

You could have economy class where you get the newer and less trained call center agents. Then, there would be business class where you get agents who have a few years of experience and are up to a particular level. But, what about executive class? Honestly, if I were a busy executive and needed help with my calls, I would want the finest call center agents that money could buy — preferably with a window seat and a glass of wine.

One of the failings of the call center industry is that there are no formal gradations for the difference in quality for call center agents. Imagine how the industry would be completely transformed if some of the big companies would get together and introduce definitive standards. What if they created seven distinct levels for call center agents and then had standardized additional commentary such as how good they are at particular technical tasks or at particular foreign languages or accents? That way you wouldn’t need to interview a particular company’s workers. You would know based on their credentials how good they are.

Perhaps it would be better if an outside agency did training, testing and evaluation for agents. The agents could all get tested every quarter to see what their improvement was like. Their salaries would depend on their test results, and you can bet that they would take it all very seriously.

In the mean time, I need to get used to this tiny seat in coach. Thankfully there is no gigantic fat guy sitting next to me in the next seat over. Fight attendant? I’ll have a Pepsi please…

Does it make you paranoid if your calls are being monitored?

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Some BPO call center workers feel paranoid when their calls are being monitored. It is a fact of life in the call center industry that your higher ups will listen in on a regular basis. Some do this in order to find fault with you while others use it to coach you into being a better worker. It is a proven fact that a call center agent will act differently if they think they are being listened to.

It is also a proven fact that bad call centers typically have no system for monitoring calls. Good call centers monitor lots of calls and give feedback right away. If you are doing something wrong, it is better to find out fast so you can correct the behavior right away! Additionally, your performance can be easily measured on a regular basis if management is listening in.

It is normal to be paranoid, but don’t. Being listened to is important for the quality of your work. Someone is always listening to you in any case when you are on the phone. And even if you are alone, God is listening to you, or at least might be if he is not having his lunch break in heaven!

Remember the golden rule of Twitter!

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Social Media

The golden rule(s) of Twitter are:

(1) The top line — your total number of followers is a completely insignificant number for SEO and will not boost your site traffic at all for any social media network, including Twitter.
(2) The mid line — your total number of interactions, retweets, favorites, and mentions are what get you ahead on twitter.
(3) The bottom line is how much your twitter campaign helped you get extra clients and extra traffic that turned into increased cash flow to your business. Even if it takes several years to go from initializing your campaigns to the bottom line, that is normal in business (and worth the wait.)

BUT, there is an exception to rule #1

(4) The top line has a value in its potential even though its value is useless if untapped. If you interact with all relevant followers, you can get them to respond to you, which raises your SEO value very quickly. If you have only ten followers, you can’t interact with inside followers and can only do that on twitter keyword search results. However, if you have ten thousand dormant followers, by interacting with relevant ones, you might be able to enliven your campaign which might do miracles for your site traffic.

(5) Once you find out which followers respond to your interactions, you can contact them once a month and make lively discussions with them! That will really get your SEO going.

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What does it mean to be an American?

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What we call current American culture is not really American at all, but a derivative of the fusion of Western European cultures transplanted in North America with some African and Native American influences — and more recently some Latino and Asian influences as well. The early Americans were mainly British, Dutch, Welsh, Scottish, with a population of African slaves who numbered only about 5% of the total population around the time of the Declaration of Independence. Germans and Irish came in large numbers in the early and mid 1800’s, and then many other groups followed. The language we speak is NOT American — but, English which is a language that originated and evolved in England and has its roots in France, Netherlands, Germany, with many borrowed words from Latin and Greek. Real American languages might include Native American languages such as Hopi, Cherokee, Iroquois, etc. In Native times, there were hundreds of tribes with very different languages and cultures populating America. Today in America, there are also dozens of highly populated cultural groups. In one sense things have changed, but in another sense, we are still a quiltwork of diversity.

So, what is American culture, and how does diversity fit into the scheme of things? It is hard to say what is American culture. Is it the culture associated with the current government? Or, is it the culture associated with the majority of the people who live here now? In fifty years, the majority will be Hispanic, so will it be “un-American” to not eat tacos? Or, is the real American culture the culture of the people who lived here the longest. Sure, there were dozens of tribes, but they did have common roots in Siberia and Shamanistic culture. Am I being less American by taking an interest in Asian culture? Or is Asian culture no less American than the mainstream Anglo culture?

Here are some ways that you could be a “real american”

Connection to the land

Not all in our great land share the same culture. I am always criticized by my patriotic “paisanos” (Italian word for countrymen), but being too international, and not American enough. But, I have a tremendous connection to the land. Additionally, I have done past life revisions, and roughly 25% of my past incarnations were on American soil — mostly as a Native American, but three lives in white American society on the land as well. I feel that the Anglo-Americans who consider themselves to be “real” Americans probably have much fewer past lives on the land than I do (not that I am competing). There is something very special about America, and its natural places: The National Parks, the trees, the coast — everything!

Connection to the mainstream culture

Some people don’t like having other language groups in America and believe that everyone should speak English. However, English is very un-American in my opinion. After all, it originated in Europe which is a place that is not even remotely related to the Americans until 1492 if you discount earlier Viking and prehistoric expeditions from Western Europe to North America. Historically, there were several different language families of Native American languages, each with many languages and dialects. Although Native Americans derive from Siberia perhaps 3000 to 25000 years ago, their language familes are very distinct from each other — much less related to each other than the European languages are related to each other. I can not say more since I have not studied any native languages.

Modern American cuisine is mainly Western European with some Mexican dishes that have become staples (Nachos and Taquitos) and a few Chinese restaurants popping up in even the most remote American towns. Real American food is hard to define, but foods like Squash (etymological roots in America by the way), Squirrels (also an American word), Corn, Beans, Chili, and Chocolate (from the Mayan Xaco-Atl meaning foaming water since cocoa cooked in water foamed a lot). From what it looks like, the Mexican culture seems to be a lot closer to real American culture since they eat foods that are indiginous to our land as staples.

Association with the government

Although the Native Americans have been associated with the land currently governed by the USA for a long time, they have not been associated without government for that long unless they were from the East Coast. Native Americans have their own land — leftover land that our government didn’t want because it wasn’t very good. An unfair deal for the native people. But, none-the-less, the Native Americans have a great degree of self-autonomy and are their own nations in a sense. Regular Americans may not live on any reservation without permission from the tribes. So, in terms of association with our government, the descendants of the early English settlers do have claim as being the most American people in the country, as do descendents of the slaves, many of whom were here since the sixteen and seventeen hundreds.

Being born and raised

The difference between America and other lands, is that you can have your roots in a different culture, and still be accepted. You should speak English as your native language and not discriminate against the mainstream as well as prerequisites for acceptance. If you meet the above stated four conditions, you would most likely be at least 70% accepted in this fair land! In places like India, the Parsis have been there for around 1000 years and are still a separate community — maybe in another 1000 years they will be more accepted and absorbed into the mainstream.

Just being here

What I noticed from traveling, is that you become connected with a country just by being there. You look at the map all the time, and become connected with the consciousness of the people very quickly. I believe that people who are in America are connected to American consciousness in many ways even if they are completely disconnected from the culture or heritage of the land.

But, what about new immigrants who don’t want to learn English, and don’t want to learn to blend in with the others who live in this land? Often times, the children of these immigrants also don’t want anything to do with you if you are not from their particular minority group. This brings tremendous divisiveness. Is a divided America healthy? After all, we have enough divisions already. We have divisions between Native Americans and descendants of immigrants. There is a division between North and South which sort of faded away in the 80’s, but is still there. There are Republicans and Democrats with very different ideas. There are those who speak English at home and others who speak Spanish, Korean, Filipino, Chinese and many other tongues. Diversity brings tremendous strength to America making us more agile about doing more types of tasks that any single ethnic group would not be able to do a satisfactory job of. But, what about the division — will it come back to haunt us like it did during the Civil War?


After long thought, I have decided that there is no definative line to draw for who is an American. Some people are American in some ways and not in others. Some people are MORE American than others. But, the most American people in my opinion would be people with some Native American blood which gives them longevity on the land — and then also have ancestry going back to the early European settlers in the U.S. which would give them a multi-generational connection to the current administration. How many people besides our local coffee barrista in my neighborhood meet that description?

India & China Compete for Outsourcing Revenues

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China and India compete for outsourcing work.
Amoung the top several outsourcing nations, India ranks #1 with China and the Philippines next in line.  India’s outsourcing revenue from April 2010 to March 31st 2011 is expected to be US$60-62 billion and was roughly 50 billion the previous year. China’s outsourcing revenue was roughly 36 Billion last year, but is expanding faster than India’s outsourcing revenue.  The future is showing that in addition to China, many other nations are going to be catching up to India in the outsourcing industry.
Indian Outsourcing
Although India is currently the world leader in outsourcing revenue, there are many factors that are governing its growth rate.  Factors leading to a slowdown in the expansion of Indian outsourcing lie in high attrition rates, poor infrastructure, lack of cultural affinity wiht the West, and rising wages.  However, factors in India’s favor include: a reputation of being great at outsourcing, an emphasis on enforcing patent laws, and a diversity of outsourcing services that goes well beyond call centers and IT.  Indian companies provide dozens of outsourced services including data entry outsourcing, legal process outsourcing, market research, payment processing, accounting, web design, SEO,  and pharmaceutical research which is one of India’s newest outsourcing growth industries.
Pharmaceutical analytical services performed in India are less expensive, better quality, have shorter delivery times, and less downtime than if done in other countries. Additionally, intellectual property protection is excellent in India while China has a questionable reputation in this regard.  Pharmaceutical outsourcing is one of India’s new growth industries which is expected to become a multi-billion dollar industry in India in only a few years.
Although the Chinese can compete with India for IT services, and Filipino call centers are gaining market share from India, India has a safe position in the outsorucing industry because they offer dozens of other outsourcing services which are not threatened by foreign competition.
Chinese Outsourcing
China has paved the road for a bright future in quickly growing its outsourcing industry. China has incentives for industries providing outsourcing services which helps to stimulates growth in this sector.  Incentives include removing taxes on outsourcing businesses.
China can easily compete with India for IT work, however China lacks workers with good English language skills which is a huge deficit for many types of outsourcing work. 
One of the main reasons China has such a promising future in outsourcing is that China is investing in new infrastructure in ecomonic zones faster than any other country.  New roads, dams, buildings, and other infrastructure are being built really quickly in China.  China’s capacity for getting projects completed quickly is one factor that works to their advantage.  China has also worked on building good internet connections and developing workers technical skills.
Putting skills, prices, and infrastructure behind, China’s outsourcing industry is growing at 30% while India’s is growing at 14%.  China’s overall economic growth has been a few percent faster than India’s over the last few years, and their growth in outsourcing is also surpassing India’s.
Filipino Outsourcing
The Philippines is a distant third in the global outsourcing market.  Their services are mostly confined to call center and medical transcription work due to their good command of English.  The Filipino call center industry is neck and neck with India, both commanding slightly less than 6 billion per year, but the Philippines looks like it will be taking the lead, once again to their excellent language skills and cultural closeness to the United States.
Its hard to see where the outsourcing industry will be in 2020, but my guess is that China will dominate with India in second place.  Filipino, Indonesian and African companies will also probably gain a higher overall percentage of market share leaving India with a relatively stagnant revenue in the long run.  The overall outsourcing industry will most likely grow tremendously in the next ten years, but Indias percentage of the total looks like it will be shrinking slowly over the next decade.

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