Data Analysis KPO India

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Data Analysis KPO India

KPO = Knowledge Process Outsourcing which is a type of outsourcing that involves a high level of sophistication in research and analytics. Market and Financial research are some of the most common specialties of KPO companies in India.

There are many types of KPO companies in India. The majority do some type of data analysis, analytics, research, or offer financial advice. You might find it interesting to browse our various KPO company listings in India. We have KPO companies in other countries as well, but our India KPO page is by far the most active in it’s category.

Please keep in mind that there are many companies in our data entry section that also offer data analysis services in India. It is unclear if their services have the same level of sophistication as a KPO company, but you can contact such companies and find out for yourself.

One of the main types of data analysis that KPO companies do is for market research, market segmentation, and business strategy. If you can identify your best market segment to contact, and the most efficient way of contacting them, then you can get a good rate of return on your marketing efforts.

Another common type of data analysis that call centers and KPO companies alike might engage in would be survey response analysis. A good analyst would be able to identify trends, and important data patterns by taking a closer look at the data.

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LPO Definition and Information

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LPO Definition and Information
There are a few terms in outsourcing that may not be familiar terms to Americans and Europeans. BPO, KPO, and LPO.  I have written a blog article about distinguishing BPO from KPO, and LPO.  But, let me summarize here. 
BPO = Business Process Outsourcing
KPO = Knowledge Process Outsourcing
LPO = Legal Process Outsourcing
Any type of outsourcing could be classified as BPO. However, the more highly educated types of outsourcing work fall into the category of KPO, which itself is a broad term.  BPO includes any type of data entry, call center, or back office work.  KPO includes any type of knowledge intensive services which often include research, analytics, writing, software, and sometimes legal work as well.
Legal Process Outsourcing is a subset of Knowledge Process Outsourcing.  Many companies in India specialize in various types of LPO services to please foreign clients.  It is interesting that almost all LPO companies in India are located either in the Delhi NCR region, or in Bangalore.  There are huge volumes of highly educated people in any of the top ten large cities in India, but these two cities attract certain types of industries.
Typical specialties for Legal Outsourcing companies might include legal research, document drafting, patent research, litigation support, and assistance for foreign companies trying to set up a branch in India. Many companies have a wide variety of other specialties, but for Americans and Australians outsourcing to India, those are the specialties that are the most common.
I read that there were roughly 140-150 Legal Process Outsourcing companies in India, so there are plenty to choose from. currenly lists over fifty such companies, and we welcome you to browse our search results.  We also have many KPO, BPO, medical billing, medical transcription, web design, and software companies that you can browse too!

BPO Projects – How to get them and what they entail

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BPO Projects
BPO = Business Process Outsourcing.  BPO companies typically do data entry, call center, payment processing, and other repetitive back office services.

There are many types of BPO projects out there.  Some are voice processes while others are non-voice processes.  It is important to note, that when communicating with prospective American or Australian clients, they might not understand what you are talking about if you use the term, “non-voice process”.  When talking to Westerners, it is more clear to mention a specific type of process or work such as data mining or telemarketing for example.

What do projects entail?
BPO projects might include a call center or telemarketing project, data conversion, image processing, payment processing, data capture, or a wide variety of other types of work.  It is important to note how many seats will be involved in the work, and how long the work is expected to take unless it is intended to be continuous work on an ongoing project. 

Getting work
Getting BPO projects is not always easy.  Established companies have a steady clientele that might refer them to other overseas companies.  So long as the quality of their work stays intact, they would normally continue getting regular business.  There might be economic cycles that would effect their work volume, but a steady flow of BPO projects would be normal. 

Newer BPO companies, especially those that have weak marketing skills, will find it much harder to get steady work.  Additionally, I have found that inexperienced start-ups have management that doesn’t always have a good command of English.  If your marketing materials are in broken English, it will be hard to attract data entry or call center work, since those lines of work are language intensive.

In the beginning, you should have someone help you with your marketing materials to make sure they will attract foreign clients.  Once you establish a reputation for doing good work for a reasonable price, then business will begin to be more steady. 

How do I get initial work?
You can contact companies overseas that might need your type of services.  Making personal contact is a very effective marketing technique.  You can advertise on, or on to gain worldwide exposure for your company as well.  The basic trick is to find companies who need your BPO services, and to make them feel confident about using your outsourcing services. Offering them a little bit of work at a discount or for free with liberal terms is the easiest way to get BPO projects fast! If you make life easy for your new clients at a great price, they’ll be very enthusiastic about your company!

More ideas for getting work
Have a website, call companies that might need your service, create a Linked In profile, advertise on large outsourcing directories, use PPC advertising on Google, network with other companies, do email blasts, etc. Please read our more up to date articles below for more thorough information.


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Training for Outsourcing Jobs part 2

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I’m sitting here reading an article on HRO today.  It is about training process outsourcing.  The article claims that many American corporations have no idea what their expenses are for training employees.  A VP named Ed Trolley of a large American company was interviewed and gave some interesting answers.  Ed claimed that training was one of the most under-managed, under-leveraged, and under-valued, not to mention misunderstood functions in a corporation.    Training is often viewed as something you have to do.  But, how much emphasis is put on results.  Outsourcing training can help a company focus on what their core competencies are instead of stumbling, trying to train their own employees.
When I work with outsourced companies, I am always very aware of how their employees handle situations.  There is always a loose screw.  Some are good workers, but can’t communicate.  Others refuse to answer emails even if their life hinges on it.  Many do their work in a mechanical way without insight.  There are so many things to pay attention to in any type of job, it must be baffling to train people. 
Thoughtlessly picking a program
Getting “a” training program doesn’t seem to be a great idea.  Looking at the costs of training programs and saving money by outsourcing them seems to be missing the boat as well.  I believe that the key is to understand the various levels of training that need to happen.  In any type of task, there is a mechanical aspect.  If you do call center work, you need to punch in some numbers, or press a button so a computer can do that for you. You have to read a boring script, and try to be polite when answering questions.   So, there are different levels in the training here.
Levels of training
The first level is purely mechanical. How to make the call, what to say, how to answer commonly asked questions, what to do when the customer gets upset, or acts inappropriately.  But, what about the next level of training?  Ideally, in any call center, your manager should be looking over your shoulder from time to time and should be looking to see if you are gracefully handling all of the tasks involved in interaction. The manager should give you pointers from time to time and even write up a review about your work from time to time. So, we can say that reviewing and nitpicking could be level two in the training scheme.  But, there is yet another level! What could it be?
Sophistication and nuances? 
The individual who trains your employees how to make calls may likely be very unsuitable to teach nuances.  It is really on an individual basis who is good at teaching the different facets of any job.  Someone who is what I like to call, “Tuned in” can easily find all types of ways to refine an employee’s skills.  There are very subtle differences in the way you can answer a question that make the person on the other end of the phone much happier.  There are differences in your tone and amplitude of your voice that can make people think you are a nice person instead of a jerk — even if you say exactly the same thing.  The bottom line here is to pick the right trainor for each level in training.
Data entry training?
Data entry requires different types of training too.  Making sure information is complete and well formatted is key.  So, if someone can assess how well an employee deals with the trickier situations where answers are not so clear cut — is very important.  If you can spell well, you can catch other people’s spelling mistakes.  If you know what type of format is desired, you can correct formatting errors in the data input.   But, some employees do not catch the subtleties of the job, and some managers do not catch which employees can learn, and which should be let go.

Outsourcing your personal work

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I was watching a documentary on youtube about American workers who outsource their tasks to India.  One accountant has someone in Bangalore do all of his work for him. The American employee still had to come to the office everyday.  He had a nerf-ball which he played basket ball with in his cubicle.  His goal, he announced, was to do as little as possible.  My only thought was, why doesn’t his boss hire the person in India himself?
But, outsourcing your personal work could be done in parts too. Some people hire an appointment setter in Bangalore to help them book their appointments, set their dates, and take care of other arrangements.  If you need to send flowers to your wife, your personal assistant in Bangalore can book that for you easily.
I’m thinking of all the data entry I do daily, and how nice it would be if someone in Ahmedabad could do it all for me. That would save me two hours a day.  The problem is that I am not good at explaining tasks to people. So, if they do a task incorrectly, it is my mistake half the time for not communicating clearly. 
I outsourced my networking to a local company.  They have a young lady who is contacting company bosses throughout the world who will join my outsourcing directory. I do not have the skills  or patience to do this myself which is why I am happy that they are doing this for me.

Who Gets Listed How High On

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Who gets listed how high on our outsourcing directory? is an outsourcing directory that sorts outsourcers into a dozen or so categories.  The key to getting business is to be near the top of the list in your respective category. But, it is not always so easy to attain a top spot.  Since we are new as a directory, we have a vast majority of free listings currently.  Paid listings get listed higher on the search results than free listings do.  But, how are free listings ranked?
Our Preference System
We have a preference system for listings.  If you write reasonably well, and have a nice website, you might get a high placement even with a free listing!  If you send us a logo for your company, or have a Skype number, we might raise your placement a bit for that as well.  
Functional Websites
We feel that if you are a professional company, you would have an attractive and functional website. If your website doesn’t load properly, that is a big issue. That means that prospective customers can’t find you. On the other hand, if you have no website, that is a huge issue too. Many companies signing up with us have a website that says, “This domain for sale”.  That is not an encouraging sign!  Web sites that hide contact information are evasive. Customers want to know what country and general area you are located in.  If you have multiple offices, you should list them in your contact us page.
Foreign Numbers?
Picture yourself in the United States looking for a company to outsource to. Most Americans do not know how to call India, nor do they want to, even to save their own life.  People do not know how to calculate the 13.5 hour time difference from California to India which changes to 12.5 hours in the Spring and Summer due to daylight savings.  People in America do not understand international dialing codes, and feel alienated when we hear that funny ringing sound that phone lines in India have. You are used to your ring tones, but Americans find it very — foreign sounding.  So, what is the solution?  If you can get a US number, a UK number, perhaps a Dubai number too, and advertise that on your site next to your Skype number, you are making life easier for the foreign clients to reach you.  You will probably get many more foreign clients if you make their life easy, and we will list you higher on our list too!
Higher Placement = More Work!
Most companies want work, and as much work as they can handle.  Most companies want to grow and prosper. Being at the top of the list matters.  Please ask us about paid listings near the top of the list.  If you are going to get a free listing, please make sure you have a nicely written notes section, because your notes make a huge impression of how professional you are!

Now America works for India!

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I always thought that China would take over the world, and we would have to undergo repression, discrimination, and work for them.  But, the reality is much nicer — for those of us who like samosa and chai.  Infosys of India is training American workers.  American recent graduates will fly to India for six months of training, and then go back to their back offices in the states.  Everything in outsourcing is reversed now. 
But, India leads the world of spirituality and technology to some extent now.  Many salaries for programmers are actually higher in India than in America.  Many Lucky (smart) Indians are returning home to enjoy salaries in excess of US$100,000 per year.  Of course, most salaries are nowhere near that amount in the IT industry, but these high paying jobs are sprouting up in India more and more.
Meanwhile, at Tata, another huge Indian company, they have 5000 workers in Brazil, Chile and Uruguay of all places. Cognizant has opened back offices in Phoenix and Shanghai.  A few companies in India have opened call centers in the Philippines too. 
When I talk to narrow-minded people who are anti-outsourcing, I always stress that any small store in India sells 80% American products.  Shampoos, soaps, laundry detergent, and other small items sold in mini-stores in India seem to be made by American companies. Try spending an hour in Bangalore without seeing a Citibank, Subway, KFC, and other American businesses.  We are part of a global economy and currents flow both ways.
Japan has also capitalized on American labor with Toyota opening many plants throughout the United States. So, reverse outsourcing is a way of the future.  There is hope for America.  India will give us a job — and hopefully a samosa break too.

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Traditional remedies to unemployment

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Unemployment is a problem throughout the world.  It is psychologically devestating as well as financially ruinous.  I remember when I had just arrived in California from Massachusetts.  It was a six day trip in my pick up truck.  I had come to get a job in international trade.  But, that never happened.  There were no such jobs in Massachusetts, so I saw that Seattle and Los Angeles had many jobs fitting this description, plus Los Angeles had a large Chinese community, and my back up plan was to teach English in the Chinese community. 
After months of searching and getting rejected for various types of commodities trading and international type jobs, I was running out of money. Living on ramen noodles is no joke, month after month!  Two months of unemployment almost crippled me financially. I finally gave in and started work doing landscaping for a while, and then did tutoring in the Chinese community which made me a meager living.  Not knowing where my next meal was going to come from effected me mentally for years.  I have never enjoyed the emotional security that others have, since I feel they have more to fall back on.  I have only a hard sidewalk to fall back on which explains my seven day work weeks, week after week.  I want security in my businesses — and I’m determined to work for it!
Solutions to unemployment
Training is a great solution.  Not everyone can afford training or knows what to engage themselves in.  It would be wonderful if governments could provide services to determine what type of job a person is best suited for.  The tests given might not be completely accurate, but it would be a wonderful start. 
Market analysis could reveal which markets need more workers, and there are many doing this type of market analysis and trend analysis.  The trick is to combine the knowledge of which industries need more workers with training programs and mentoring programs.  To a certain extent, this type of system is already in place, but not all unemployed individuals are guided into the right industries — only some of them.

Ways that people ask for jobs

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Every day, people are asking me for jobs that I don’t have.  People respond to my blogs asking for jobs.  My blog is not a job market, it is rather a source of information and opinions about outsourcing.  The type of requests I get are also written in broken English.  Nobody will hire someone who writes text message English or broken English.  Below are some examples of job seekers and how they sometimes communicate.  You will quickly understand why these applicants don’t have jobs.
Example #1:
“Dear Sir, i want part time job pls give me full detail”
1.  There is no text anywhere that suggested that we were offering a job
2.  “i” should be capitalized since it is a proper noun.
3.  i want part time job — there should be an “a” since you want “a part time job”. 
4.  “pls” is not English.   When you are texting someone, you might use abbreviations.  However, someone seriously looking for a job would write correct English and say, “Please”
5. This person is begging.  Someone serious about getting a job would introduce themselves, tell me the specifics of what type of job they wanted, and send a resume.  Someone saying, “Give me job” is a mere begger, and nobody wants to hire a begger.
6.  give me full detail — detail needs an “s” at the end since details are generally plural.  This person should start out by asking if we even have jobs, rather than asking what the details are.
7.  This job applicant is in Africa.  How can a company in America possibly hire an African resident to do anything.  The applicant is far away, there is no way to verify if they are actually doing the work, they have no reputation with us, and don’t work for a reputable company.  If I hired someone overseas, they would have a company with a long track record, so that I would be able to trust them.
Example #2
“good working and good typing skills”
1.  There is no introduction here.  The person claims to have good working skills, but doesn’t say who they are. 
2.  This person should email the manager offering a job rather than responding to a blog. Blogs are not for advertising that you are looking for a job.
3.  This text is not  a real sentence.  Sentences begin with a word that starts with a capital letter, and would include a subject and verb.  There are no subjects or verbs in this sentence.
If this person were emailing someone for a job, I would recommend a quick email in this general format.
Dear Sam,
I have five years experience as a typist and data entry clerk.  Please let me know if your company has any vacancies that might be able to employ my skill sets. I am a very hard worker and am flexible about where I live and how many hours per week I work.   References are available upon request.  Please see my attached resume.
Vijay Chaudhury
Example #3
I get many emails saying, “Dear sir”.
I don’t like to be contacted by people who don’t even take the trouble to know who I am.  I am just one of thousands of people the writer is contacting. I think it’s better to send focused emails only, not spam.  A focused email is targetting a specific company and contact person about a particular job that you are qualified for.  Contacting random companies and begging for work is sheer stupidity and  a waste of time too.

Tapping into the national consciousness of your clients

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We all hear spiritual gurus and their followers talk about consciousness and other mystical ideas. Many claims are made about many types of wishy-washy subjects, but how often do you ever get solid proof of anything?  I believe in mystical ideas too, but I want to understand the mechanics of how mystecism works, and sometimes there is information.

It’s the language!
It is a common believe that you should speak the language of the customer. If you want to get clients in Spain, you should speak Spanish, and if you want clients in the UK, you should speak English, preferably British English.  Clients will feel more comfortable with you if you know their language. If you wnat to attract clients from America, would you put someone in charge who knows nothing about America?  Would you have an American flown over to India to work at your company?  Would you hire an Indian who has spent a few years in America in charge?  In my point of view, the closer the individual is to the culture of the client, the better off you are.  Of course, the manager has to also understand the mechanics of the business you are in as well, otherwise his language skills are almost useless!
But, there is more that we can add to this theory:  consciousness.  I am learning new things about consciousness daily.  Being in tune with the national consciousness of the client(s) you are selling to really matters.  Lets say you are starting a new marketing campaign to attract clients from Kenya.  What I learned, is that by simply having dinner at a restaurant serving Kenyan food, or spending time in a place dominated by Kenyan nationals, you become more “in tune” with their national consciousness.  I also learned, that simply by sleeping in a place with a particular national consciousness, your consciousness becomes infused with that particular national consciousness.
Case study in Koreatown, Los Angeles
This is a particularly interesting case study.  If you follow my blog, you will know that I take Chinese Feng Shui as seriously and religiously.  I try to learn new things about Feng Shui as often as I can.  I knew from past experience, that spending a night in a hotel in Koreatown would boost my sales for one of my businesses.  However, on my stay in May, 2011, I learned some new things that surprized me.
In late May 2011, I spent a night in Koreatown in Los Angeles, CA.  I arrived late, and talked only to the clerk.  I checked in, went to my room, watched a bit of television, meditated, and went to sleep. I noticed that the vibration in Koreatown is not at all well suited for meditation. There is too much activity, and too much materialism too.  During my sleep, I dreamed about all types of Korean people that I didn’t know.  I don’t remember the specifics of the dream, and it didn’t seem to have any particular significance either – other than the fact that it was about Koreans.  I live in a 25% Korean neighborhood in Los Angeles, but never dream about Koreans in my home for some reason.  The next day, I had my coffee, and was off to a meeting with my programmers. A few weeks later, I checked my web stats, and it was amazing what I found.  
Clicks from Korea up 7x
I had not changed my advertising to attract clicks from Korea, but I was getting 7x the click volume for about 3.5 weeks from Korea.  The clicks eventually tapered out, and went back to normal.   By the way, companies in Korea are very fond of our page about Indian Software Companies.  They don’t seem to take interest in any of our other pages though.  Additionally, clicks from the Philippines were up too.  There are very few Filipinos in central Koreatown, so I couldn’t figure out why our Filipino clicks were up too. 
I can only guess where my readers are.  I’ll guess they are mostly Indian.  If you are in India and want to attract American clients, contacting American companies is obviously a good idea.  Having someone who is familiar with the American culture could call and email American companies who might be able to use your service.  But, there is more!  Tuning in to the American consciousness is a good idea…. but how?  I would recommend hanging out at the Hard Rock Cafe in MumbaiBangalore, Pune, Delhi, or wherever else you can find one.  The culture of the cafe is very American.  I’m not sure if the owners are American though.   You could also go to places where Americans hang out.  There are very few of these in India.  You could have a slow meal at a hotel where lots of Americans stay, or a hotel owned by an American chain.  Just keep notes…  See if your sales ratios go up during times when you frequent these places.  It’s easier to tap into national consciousness in America where we have the whole world living under our roof.  India has no official neighborhoods for certain nationalities which makes it harder to perform this type of experiment.  But, you can try to find places best suited to particular national consciousnesses, and let us know what happened!

Training for Outsourcing Jobs

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We get many people applying for non-existant jobs at our company.  My company consists of myself and one other person. We do all the work. We have no other jobs, and don’t understand why someone is applying for a job, that we never claimed to have?  This clueless behavior is why many are out of work and can’t find any work. Nobody wants to hire someone who can’t think and who wastes others’ time.  Additionally, most of the job applicants can’t spell and are very sloppy in their communication skills. I would never hire anyone to even pour me a cup of coffee if they were sloppy.  So, what is the solution?  Training!
What do you need to know?
To work in outsourcing, there are various types of skills you need to know.  For call center work, you need to be able to speak clearly and listen well. For data entry work, you need to have good English skills and good formatting skills.  If you don’t know how words are spelled, you will not be able to correct other people’s errors when transcribing data.  In data entry, you might have a hand written document and type the information into a database.  You are expected to format addresses correctly and find errors in spelling. If you can’t spell yourself, how can you possibly find errors in other people’s spelling? 
Catching errors
You might need to notice inconsistancies in data too as a data entry clerk.  If you are looking at addresses and you realize that the zip code (PIN code) is from Delhi, yet the rest of the address seems to be in Cochi, Kerela, you just caught an error. A good data entry clerk is watchful and sharp and can catch mistakes with ease. Sometimes, the name of a neighborhood might erroneously be put in the city field.  In India, addresses often include names of areas like Jayanagar, or Shivaji-nagar.  If the database you are using has a separate field for city and street address, you need to make sure the right information is in the right place.  What if the name of the road is all mushed together?  Springhillroad for example. Do you know when the names should be separated and when they should be together?  Sometimes you need to google this information.  Should Shivaji-nagar have a hyphen, or be separate words? Maybe it should all be one long word.  As a data entry clerk you have to be sharply aware of these issues and have a way of solving them, otherwise you will be the most mediocre data entry keyer in the industry.
If you live in India, the king of the outsourcing industry, you will have no lack of schools for many different outsourcing professions.  Just look in the local classified section of your local newspaper and you will find dozens of schools that will teach you how to work at a call center, data entry company, or medical transcriptioning.  Rather than bothering hundreds of companies for a job when you are not qualified, you are advised to get highly trained so that you are an asset, and not a liability.  Companies in the West want to outsource to save money, but if there are multitudes of errors in the work produced, the errors will cost the companies more money than they are saving.  Many companies that outsourced to the Philippines, or India found that the error rate was sometimes so high, that they were willing to pay ten times as much to have companies in America do the work for them.  On the other hand, if you can provide faster and better service in India, than any American company can provide, you will make a handsome living in the long run.  In the long run quality of work, and good customer service will win you high paying work and steady work as well.

Looking for jobs in all the wrong places

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We get all types of feedback from people using our site, but the feedback involves them asking us for a job!  Additionally, people who click the “I’m going to use this company” button want the company to use them, so they are misusing this button. Responses to blogs are mostly from those seeking employment too.  We don’t offer jobs here, we are a DIRECTORY.  If you want a data entry job, go to a data entry company, NOT US!  We can’t help you.
What is a directory for?
In America, we have what is called the Yellow Pages.  This is a phone book that you use to look up phone numbers of businesses. If you want a data entry business, you look up under “D” to find companies in specialties beginning with “D”.  As technology evolved, America invented electricity, the telephone, computers, and the internet.  In ancient history it was the Chinese who invented more than anything else, but the 1900’s was the American century — at least for innovation.  Our business is a phone book or yellow pages for outsourcing companies. We DO NOT offer jobs!  We offer a way for companies and freelancers to list their service so the public can find them.  So, please don’t ask me for some processes for your company.  I don’t have that.  I can list your company on my directory and that is the beginning and end of it!
We don’t know where the work is!
People say to me, “So, I know you don’t offer jobs, but who does?”.  I can’t answer that question. The only way to get work is to ask specific companies who specialize in the type of work you are trying to do.  Ask them, not me please.  I understand directories, and where to get good sushi in Los Angeles only, that sums up my intelligence.
People will not hire you overseas
Most of the inquiries I get are from people who can not spell in English.  If you are in India and can not spell, NOBODY in America will hire you to do anything. The Indians who come to America are doctors and computer experts.  If you have trouble spelling, or trouble with punctuation, you need to perfect your language skills, otherwise nobody can use your service anywhere. 
Are you worthy of a job?
If you are not proficient at Data Entry, or Call Center work, and start bugging companies incessantly about a job, you are wasting their time and your own.  Go to school, and become good at something. Then, your job search at least has a chance of having some type of success.  If you don’t understand that proper nouns begin with a capital letter, and you don’t understand that the space goes AFTER the comma, and not before, you need to go back to school — and fast!  
What can we do for you?
Our site has a new page where you can list yourself as someone seeking a job.  I’m not sure how many companies visit that page, but at least you are giving yourself a chance.  Most of the entries there are butchered in my opinion.  Mispellings, and not particularly graceful or impressive accounts of previous employment are in abundance.  If you are going to advertise yourself, you should make yourself look impressive. Have someone proofread your work please!  Presentation is everything!  So please take a look at our job seekers page!